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This is a great introductory read for understanding the United States’ genocidal history toward indigenous peoples: 

“[H]istory is about power. The ability to tell the story is a very powerful thing. And the history we have learned in the west, is about justifying, maintaining and supporting the illusion that western civilization, western control of, western ownership of this land was inevitable, beneficial, and destined (manifestly). From a different perspective, history is not so benign. In fact, it is a constant presence meant to deny Native people’s very existence. Because if Native people exist, then all that history comes in to question. Who we will be, it’s not so set. And we are a country, not so settled.”

– In Which We Establish That There Was a Genocide Against Native Americans, Yes There Was: It Was Genocide by Cutcha Risling Baldy

(Also, excuse the type-o above. World = Word)