40lbs BY 40yo Challenge
Yesterday was day two of the 40x40 challenge I have given myself.
In September of 2012 I will turn 40 years old. The big 4-0… and speaking of big, I am 198lbs - the heaviest I have ever been. My height is 5'7" and 3 qtrs. That being said, you can imagine what the weight looks like on me. My friends don’t see it they say but I feel it. And yes, fat can be a feeling - at least to me.
I believe I have set a healthy goal weight of 158lbs to be reach in little over a year. I have already started jogging in park and will do that until the winter is unbearable. Hopefully by then I will have a job and will be able to afford a gym membership. First things first; jogging.
I will post my progress now and them. I might take a Before pic and save it for the Big 4-0 reveal next year.