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Drug Rehab is Sometimes Needed for Alcohol Addiction


Some people question if alcohol is really classified as a drug. It most definitely is a drug.  In fact, alcohol is responsible for more drug related deaths than all other drugs combined.  It is also one of the most common drugs that cause people to need drug rehab.

Alcohol is absorbed directly into the bloodstream and is a key point in a variety of life-threatening diseases.  Alcohol depresses the central nervous system, reduces inhibitions and impairs judgment.  Drinking large enough quantities of alcohol can and has many times resulted in coma and even death.

Mixing alcohol with prescription drugs or illegal drugs can be extremely dangerous and can lead to accidental death.

Alcohol affects the brain.  It leads to loss of coordination and balance, poor judgment, slows reflexes, distorts vision, memory lapses and blackouts.

I was stunned in talking to someone the other day, who is very much anti-drug, who told me the reason he enjoyed alcohol was because it made him more able to do things that he couldn’t do normally.  That was simply because his perceptions were distorted and tricking him into believing he was more able to do things while high on alcohol.  As a matter of fact, I had seen him drunk on alcohol merely a few months ago and he was acting like a total idiot, could not walk in a straight line and to boot he threw up several times.  Still, he believes it helps him do things he is unable to do normally.  That is actually true, but unfortunately, none of them are beneficial.

Teen bodies are still developing and alcohol has a greater influence on their physical and mental well-being.

The impact of combining different drugs can be very erratic.  Mixing alcohol with other drugs can greatly increase the effects of all the drugs consumed.  Combining alcohol with other depressant drugs can be potentially fatal to the central nervous system, flooded by depressants, may suppress brain and heart activity.

Individuals who regularly drink heavily may become dependent on alcohol.  If a physically dependent person abruptly stops drinking they can experience serious withdrawal symptoms as their body readjusts to functioning without alcohol.  The addiction to the alcohol along with the extreme nutritional deficiencies created by the alcohol can make withdrawal very arduous and painful. 

At this point an effective drug rehab program may be the best friend of a person with alcohol addiction.  Effectiveness with a proven track record are the keys to bringing about a new drug free life.