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January 26th - In Thought

Word of the Day - Overgeneralize

So this may be a tough one.  I can’t remember why I chose this to be the Word of the Day a year ago today.  

I suppose my overgeneralizing was to keep focus off myself as much as possible.  Everyone else had a problem, not me.  And you had a problem with me then everyone that i considered to your kind were grouped into a subcategory of haters.  I was judgmental and usually wrong about what I was judging the person for and completely out of line for group them in a certain class of the like. 

What did my those-kind-of-people attitude lead me to?


EVERYONE hated me; at least that what I felt.  The fact is, I hated myself that I had to find something wrong with everyone else so that I could feel better. 

In recovery, I am trying, and I certainly am not perfect, to get the facts, to be more specific, to not project my opinion on the undeserving especially when I do not possess substantial evidence to support my claims.  For instance, I thought, back in the days, that those that did not do drugs at night clubs were boring people.  Truth is, I could not have an an intelligent conversation with them because I was high and so full of myself.  So because, one person blew me off then all the drug free folks were assholes and squares.  What an ass I was!

In recovery, I’m learning to ask questions, to try not to jump to unsupported generalized conclusions based on little to no information - one day at a time.