My foursquare Obsession
How fuckin’ crazy I get with foursquare! I have to check-in everywhere I go. Subway restaurants to subway stations. I should be Mayor of MTA. I feel like a drug pusher because I have made friends join me in the insanity.
This is my disease showing itself. A few nights ago, I got my new friend Jae to download the app for his Android phone. I put so much pressure on him that even after his salad came to the table he still was setting up the account and trying to link it to Facebook. I believe that it was a good 20 minutes before actually picked up his fork. Meanwhile, I was halfway done with my dinner. (I’m so bad)
I am Mayor of 19 locations. W00T! W00T! Big fuckin’ deal, right!? Well, to me it is a big deal. Why? I haven’t figured that out yet. I am also a stickler for the rules (trust me, I have cheated) and will foursquare police your ass if I think you are having bogus check-ins. (for shame) There was this one girl in my neighborhood that stole a mayorship from me by checking-in at 6:30 in the morning. So I tweeted her, “How could you check-in at the venue when it doesn’t open until 11:00am?" Oooh Miss Thing was having it. This girl download my pics and posted the them on the venue’s page on foursquare and made some nasty remarks in the Tips section about me. Mind you, I never met the crispy cunt.
I suffer from the disease of addiction, and my frequent use of foursquare may be a manifestation of my disease. I can’t say that I am harming myself or anyone else by using the app. Consider this though, I am in recovery now and I have friends, family, and fellows that are concerned about me. I may not call them enough, but through foursquare I always check-in.