October 30th - Word of the Day - Only
[ohn -lee]
1. without others or anything further; alone; solely; exclusively: This information is for your eyes only.
2. no more than; merely; just: If it were only true! I cook only on weekends.
3. as recently as: I read that article only yesterday.
4. in the final outcome or decision: You will only regret your harsh words to me.
5. being the single one or the relatively few of the kind: This is the only pencil I can find.
6. having no sibling or no sibling of the same sex: an only child; an only son.
7. single in superiority or distinction; unique; the best: the one and only Muhammad Ali.
8. but (introducing a single restriction, restraining circumstance, or the like): I would have gone, only you objected.
9. Older Use. except; but: Only for him you would not be here.
10. only too,
a. as a matter of fact; extremely: I am only too glad to go.
b. unfortunately; very: It is only too likely to happen.