Stop watching the news
Stop watching television news. Networks like CNN and MSNBC treated Trump like a serious candidate without acting like real journalists. They normalized his nonsense for the sake of ratings. They spent every fucking opportunity they could talking about Hillary’s emails while ignoring dozens of disturbing stories about Donald Trump. There are a lot of people to blame for why Trump was elected, but the media has the most blood on their hands.
Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell did a better job than any other so called journalists, but aside from them, everyone else latched on to Trump’s dick and didn’t let go. CNN was especially a fucking joke. They hired Trump’s former campaign manager while he was still being paid by Trump. I’ve stopped watching the news. There are plenty of legitimate news sources online to stay informed, but do not give CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, NBC and CBS ratings. Boycott the media who elected Trump. They wanted Trump’s dick in their mouth, now let them choke on it.They still are treating him like he’s an ordinary person and not the bigot and sexual predator he is. They never mentioned his rape charge, his run for the presidency in 2000 on Ross Perot’s Reform Party Ticket, the staffing of his events by the American Nazi party, the vulgar/misogynistic/racist merchandise sold at his rallies, or the racist chants at his rallies. Time to start writing letters to their sponsors and ask them to pull their ads. Not to mention they won’t push the Russian election treason.