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SUPER TUESDAY: ROUND TWO (Please Signal Boost!)

Tuesday, March 15 has FIVE states holding primary elections. North Carolina, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, and Florida.

Key Points: Illinois allows same-day voter registration.  North Carolina offers same-day in some areas, if you vote during the early period (up until March 12). Three of these states allow 17-year-olds to vote (as long as you turn 18 by Nov 8th).

So, first I’ll give a few tips on other ways you can help, aside from voting.  (Details on the primaries will be below.)

TIPS to help with the campaign.

If you live in these states:

  • Get Your Friends and Family To The Polls:
    • Call them the morning of the primaries, remind them, nag the hell out of them, make sure they’re up and going. This is important.
    • Offer rides if you can, look up bus schedules for them, make it as easy for them as you can.  Someone stuck with absolutely no ride?  Contact your state campaign office (phone numbers are listed on  I guarantee they will do everything in their power to get them there.
  • Tell People at School/Work:
    • Canvass - Go door to door, talking to voters and encouraging them to support Bernie.  (I know that sounds scary, but trust me, I’ve been doing this awhile, and 99% of people are going to think it’s amazing and awesome that you’re out volunteering and taking an interest in politics, even if they don’t agree with you.  Canvassing is the number one way to reach people, and increase voter turnout.)
    • If you’re feeling brave, make an announcement to the class - or if you’re shy, write it on the whiteboard in empty classrooms (“Vote for Bernie on Tuesday, March 15!  Look up your polling place at - Decisions are made by those who show up”).  
    • Hand out fliers.  (Leave them on busses, etc)
    • Find events near you.
    • Get some chalk and write the dates of the primaries on sidewalks.  Get the word out.

Not in these states?

  • Facebank - this a handy tool that lets you find friends on FB in other states who like Bernie Sanders, and remind them of when and where their primaries are.
  • Phonebank - Sounds scary, it’s really not. ;)  Basically, you can call people who support Bernie and remind them when the election is.  Or text them!  (It’ll show up as a local number to the people receiving the text/call.)  Phonebanking is incredibly effective, and one of the biggest things you can do for Bernie.
    • Think phonebanking still sounds a little confusing and/or scary?  Check out this helpful guide.  Remember, we’re all in this together! #NotMeUS #FeelTheBern
  • These states are ALL going to be very high priority - each and every one of them has a yuuuuuge amount of delegates, so what happens there matters.  Please donate a little of your time to help get the word out!  

Primary Information

North Carolina - TUESDAY, MARCH 15

Early voting in North Carolina begins March 3 and ends on March 12. North Carolina has same-day registration during the early voting period, so even if you’re not yet registered to vote, you can still vote for Bernie! Get all your details here.

Other important info:
Find your Voting Location 

Still 17? THAT’S OKAY.  As long as you’ll be 18 by the General Election (Nov 8), you can vote in the North Carolina primary!!


General info on voting in Ohio

Still 17?  THAT’S OKAY.  As long as you’ll turn 18 by the General Election (Nov 8), you CAN STILL VOTE IN THE OHIO PRIMARY.

Other important info:
Find your Voting Location

Missouri - TUESDAY, MARCH 15

Missouri has open primaries, so you don’t have to be registered as a Democrat to vote!  More general info.

Other important info:
Find your Voting Location

Illinois - TUESDAY, MARCH 15

Illinois has same-day voter registration! More info here.

Other important info:
Find your Voting Location

Only 17?  That’s okay!  If you’ll be 18 by the General Election (Nov 8), you CAN STILL VOTE in the Illinois Democratic Primary!

Florida - TUESDAY, MARCH 15

General Info

Find Your Voting Location

PLEASE signal boost.  Please go vote.  Bernie needs us.  Millennials overwhelmingly support Bernie Sanders.  Millennials overwhelmingly don’t vote. Bernie has to win the nomination before he can win the presidency.

If millennials voted, he could and would win.  Overwhelmingly, the states Bernie does well in, are states in which young people show up to vote.  Have class?  Talk to your professors.  Most are going to understand.  Have work?  Look up your state’s laws, or check on to see if you can vote early.  Let’s do this.  #NotMeUs #Bernie2016

********************PLEASE SIGNAL BOOST THIS POST********************

Please PLEASE vote for bernie we are his target demographic and he NEEDS our vote. Trump is an absolutely terrifying fascist and will lead the country into a horrifying future. Please please please vote. Please signal boost

Team Florida, Team Illinois, Team Missouri, Team Ohio, Team North Carolina, YOUR MISSION IS TO VOTE TOMORROW!
Bernie is counting on us.

Dump Trump