The Beat Goes On...
So, in 2009, on December 21st, I tried to kill myself… I came close to succeeding… I was tired of the voices in my head, the drugs, the loneliness, et al… The very same week, Christmas Eve, I was back home (living in an SRO at the time) and of all things what did I find? Drugs! Apparently, I had not finished it all…
The nature of the disease of addiction…
Although, I told myself over and over, while on my home from the hospital, that I would never do drugs again, the first thing i did when I was the baggy of crystal meth was to prepare a syringe. #fail
Thank God I do not have to live that way anymore…
This Christmas Eve, I will have 14 months clean & sober… anything can happen between now and then, let’s just say that, for today, I have no plan, and no desire, to use….
Life still has its ups and downs, but living life feels so much better today.