Christian Ledan Photos

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The Bigger They Are... Oh Shut the Fuck Up!!!

Well… I have gained back the 9 lbs that I lost.  I am almost 200 lbs now; this is the heaviest i have ever been. 

It’s my own fault… I haven’t jogged in about 3 weeks and I have been eating so much of all the wrong things.  One would say that my addictive nature has moved over to food.  These days, I find myself finishing a meal and not being satisfied.  It’s as if my brain doesn’t register the fact the my stomach is full; I want more and more.

What to do? 

I can’t afford a gym membership right now but I do have the park a few black away - I need to start jogging again while the weather permits it.  My goal 

I want to look like this again… (the above picture)

I was about 165 lbs in that picture 5 years ago which is ideal for someone at my current age and height.  My goal though is 155 lbs, but for now I just need to get off my ass and start jogging. 

Because I have an addict’s mind… I have the tendency to think of unhealthy quick fix ways of losing the weight.  These thoughts of using crystal meth to solve this “weight-loss” challenge are weighing on my mind daily.  I know it’s not the route I want or need to take. 

I turn 39 next month… I wish to be at my goal weight by the time I am 40 in 2012.  That sounds doable.