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Word of the Day - Arrest


–verb (used with object)
1. to seize (a person) by legal authority or warrant; take into custody: The police arrested the burglar.

2. to catch and hold; attract and fix; engage: The loud noise arrested our attention.

3. to check the course of; stop; slow down: to arrest progress.

4. Medicine/Medical . to control or stop the active progress of (a disease): The new drug did not arrest the cancer.

5. the taking of a person into legal custody, as by officers of the law.

6. any seizure or taking by force.

7. an act of stopping or the state of being stopped: the arrest of tooth decay.

8. Machinery . any device for stopping machinery; stop.

9. under arrest, in custody of the police or other legal authorities: They placed the suspect under arrest at the scene of the crime.