Word of the Day - Merit
1.claim to respect and praise; excellence; worth.
2.something that deserves or justifies a reward or commendation; a commendable quality, act, etc.: The book’s only merit is its sincerity.
3.merits, the inherent rights and wrongs of a matter, as a lawsuit, unobscured by procedural details, technicalities, personal feelings, etc.: The case will be decided on its merits alone.
4.Often, merits. the state or fact of deserving; desert: to treat people according to their merits.
5.Roman Catholic Church . worthiness of spiritual reward, acquired by righteous acts made under the influence of grace.
6.Obsolete . something that is deserved, whether good or bad.
–verb (used with object)
7.to be worthy of; deserve.
–verb (used without object)
8.Chiefly Theology . to acquire merit.
9.based on merit: a merit raise of $25 a week.