Plain Clothes Officers shot a 13-year-old boy on Wednesday.
They say he was brandishing what appeared to be a semi-automatic pistol and then ran from officers. It turned out to be a replica gun.
Police say it all started when two detectives were driving in the area and noticed the teen with what appeared to be a gun. They chased him 150 yards before shooting (WHILE NOT WEARING THEIR UNIFORM). As the witness says, boy repeatedly told officers it was a fake gun, but they didn’t listen.
Thank god that boy suffered non life-threatening injuries and is going to recover soon, but how is it for a 13-year-old boy the experience being shot by the police officers? Especially after all America mourned about Tamir Rice, who was fatally shot for playing with a toy gun.
I am not even surprised this boy tried to run away as fast as he could.