This is a very heartbreaking story no one deserves to go through.
Resham Khan and her cousin are victims of an acid attack, a vicious crime that is rapidly growing in the UK. Not only are they victims of acid attacks, but this was also a hate crime and a blatant act of Islamophobia. The people of the UK fear that white supremacists will make acid their primary way of attacking minorities. Unfortunately, anyone in the UK is allowed to buy acid without a license….even minors. A petition was implemented to call for the attention of the Home Office (UK’s government) in order to put an immediate stop to reckless purchases of deadly acids.
Resham and her cousin’s lives are gonna change forever…. they were just trying to celebrate a birthday when some disgusting racist sabotaged their night and life. Hopefully by signing the petition, the UK government will realize this is a devastating issue that needs to be fixed immediately.
i always see white brits talking about how americans dont talk about UK issues but when we speak up about islamophobia over there yall ignore it?