A Matter of Race



Yes, we have a broken judicial system from the local to D.C. 

But on the subject of race, since colonial times there have been laws specifically passed to restrict the advancement of those of African descent in America. What the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not do; it did not wipe white supremacists from the face of the earth; it did not remove the hoods from KKK members (some of their members are our store clerks, our teachers, our doctors, lawyers, pastors and priests; they are sheriffs and deputies, they are our judges, our senators and representatives); it did not stop those in power from finding other ways to discriminate.  Some of the behaviors of the privileged  are so subtle that those with that privilege are ignorant to it and some of it is so oblivious and those with that same privilege use their unspoken privilege to deny that the behaviors exist.  I don’t know which one is worse. 

Here are some of the laws throughout the centuries; I said, “centuries!“  It is going to take a lot more than 50 years to change the mentality of the American way of ‘dealing’ with “Negros." 


1619 /Maryland Segregation Recommended that
Policy /African-Americans
be socially excluded

1642 Virginia Fugitive Law Authorized branding
of an "R” in the face
runaway slaves.

1660 Connecticut Military Law Barred African-Americans
from military service

1664 Maryland Marriage Law Enactment of the
first anti-interracial
marriage statues

1667 British Plantation Act Established codes
of conduct for slaves
and slave holders

1686 Carolina Trade Law Barred African-Americans from all

1691 Virginia Marriage Law Prescribed banishment
for any white woman
marrying an African-American

1705 Massachusetts Anti- Criminalized
Miscegenation Law interracial marriages

1705 New York Runaway Law Prescribed execution
for recaptured
runaway slaves

1705 Virginia Public Office Law Prohibited African-Americans
from holding or
assuming any public

1710 Virginia enacted Rewarded slaves
Meritorious Manumission with freedom for
informing on other

1712 South Carolina Fugitive Criminalized runaway
Slave Act slaves to protect
owners’ investment

1715 North Carolina Forbade and criminalized
Anti-interracial African-Americans and white

1721 Delaware Marriage Law Forbade marriage
between African-American
men and white women

1722 Pennsylvania Morality Law Condemned African-Americans
for sexual acts
with whites

1722 Pennsylvania Anti- Criminalized
Miscegenation Law interracial

1723 Virginia Anti-Assembly Law Impeded AFRICAN-Americans
from meeting or
having a sense
of community

1723 Virginia Weapons Law Forbade African-Americans
from keeping

1740 South Carolina Consolidated Forbade slaves
Slave Act from raising
or owning farm animals

1775 Virginia Runaway Law Allowed sale
or execution
of slaves attempting
to flee

1775 North Carolina Forbade freeing
Manumission Law slaves except
for meritorious

1784 Connecticut Military Law Forbade African-Americans
from serving in
the militia

1790 First Naturalization Law Congress declares
United States
a white nation

1792 Federal Militia Law Restricted enrollment
in peace time
to whites only

1793 Fugitive Slave Law Discouraged
slaves from
running away;
protected planters’
invested capital

1783 Virginia Migration Law Forbade free
from entering
the state.

1800 Maryland Agricultural Law Prohibited African-Americans
from raising
and selling agricultural

1804 Ohio Anti-Mobility Law Enacted “Black Laws”
that restricted

1804 Ohio Registration Law Required African-Americans
to register and
annually post
a bond

1805 Maryland License Law Forbade African-Americans
from selling tobacco
or corn without

1806 Louisiana Migration Law Forbade immigration
for free African-Americans
males over 15 years

1807 Maryland Residence Law Limited residence
of entering free
to two weeks

1809 Congressional Mail Law Excluded African-Americans
from carrying
U.S. mail

1810 Maryland Voting Law Restricted voting
rights to
whites only

1811 Delaware Migration Law Forbade migration
of African-Americans
levied $10 per
week fine

1811 Kentucky Conspiracy Law Made conspiracy
among slaves a
capital offense

1813 Virginia Poll Tax Exacted a $1.50
tax on African-Americans
who were forbidden
to vote.

1814 Louisiana Migration Law Prohibited free
from entering state

1815 Virginia Poll Tax Required free African-Americans
to pay tax so whites could

1816 Louisiana Jury Law Provided that no
could testify against
a white person.

1818 Connecticut Voting Law Disenfranchised

1819 Missouri Literacy Law Forbade assembling
or teaching slaves
to read or write

1820 South Carolina Migration Law Prohibited free
from entering the

1821 District of Columbia Required African-American
Registration Law to register annually
and post bond

1826 North Carolina Migration Law Forbade entry of
free African-Americans;
violators penalized

1827 Maryland Occupation Acts Prohibited
driving or owning
shacks, carts, and drays

1827 Florida Voting Law Restricted voting
to whites

1829 Illinois Marriage Law Forbade marriages
between African-Americans
and whites

1829 Georgia Literacy Law Provided fine and
imprisonment for
teaching am African-American
to read

1830 Louisiana Expulsion Law Required all free
to leave the state
within 60 days

1830 Mississippi Employment Law Forbade African-Americans
employment in
printing and entertainment

1830 Kentucky Property Tax Law Taxed African-Americans;
forbade our voting
or attending

1831 North Carolina License Law Required all
traders and peddlers
to be licensed

1831 South Carolina enacted Free African-Americans
Licensing Prohibition were denied any
kind of a business

1831 Indiana Mobility Law Required African-Americans
to register in
order to work and
post bond

1831 Mississippi Preaching Law Forbade free
to preach except
with permission

1832 Alabama and Virginia Fined and flogged 
Literacy Laws whites for teaching
to read or write

1833 Georgia Employment Law Prohibited African-Americans
from working in
reading or writing

1833 Georgia Literacy Law Provided fines
and whippings
for teaching

1833 Kentucky Licensing No free person
Prohibition of color could
obtain a license

1835 Missouri Registration Law Required the
registration and
bonding of all
free African-American

1835 Georgia Employment Law Prohibited employing
in drug stores

1836 District of Columbia Prohibited
Business License Law African-Americans
from profit-making

1837 South Carolina Curfew Law Required African-Americans
to be of the streets
by a certain hour

1838 Virginia School of Law Forbade African-Americans
who had gone
North to school

1838 North Carolina Marriage Law Declared void
all interracial
marriages to
3rd generation

1841 South Carolina Observing Law Forbade African-Americans
and whites from
looking out the
same windows

1842 Maryland Information Law Felonies African-Americans
demanding or receiving
abolition newspapers

1844 Maryland Color Tax Placed a tax on
all employed African-American

1844 South Carolina Amusement Law Prohibited African-Americans
from playing games
with whites

1844 Maryland Occupation Act Excluded African-Americans
from the carpentry

1845 Georgia Contracting Law Prohibited contracts
with African-American

1846 Kentucky Incitement Law Provided imprisonment
for inciting
to rebel

1847 Missouri Literacy Law Prohibited teaching
to read or write

1848 Virginia Incitement Law Provided death penalty
for advising
to rebel

1850 Fugitive Slave Law Enacted Stronger enforcement

1852 Georgia Tax Law Imposed annual
$5.00 per capita
tax on all free

1853 Virginia Poll Tax Law Levied tax on all
free African-Americans

1856 Virginia Drug Law Forbade selling
poisonous drugs
to African-Americans

1857 Dred Scott Decision U.S. Supreme Court
dehumanized and

1858 Maryland Recreation Law Forbade free African-Americans
and slaves from
boating on the Potomac

1868 Southern Black Codes Deprived African-Americans
of right to
vote and hold public

1883 Civil rights Law of 1875 U.S. Supreme Court
Weakened challenged the
of the law

1898 The Grandfather Clause Deprived African-Americans
of the right to
vote in Louisiana

It wasn’t just in the South: http://www.blackpast.org/perspectives/black-laws-oregon-1844-1857  & http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4p2957.html

I am not playing the race card… My people were denied the chance to have a hand in this game from the start.  The race card was played by white men in power a long time ago. Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Akai Gurley, Tamir Rice et al – All are matters of abuse of power, police brutality, a broken judicial system and all are matters of race in this country.  

Racism is taught… and aS I said, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not wipe the white supremacists from the face of the earth.  

#mizzou another matter of race

When they say to you, forget about slavery.
We were never given a chance to move forward…we were free but the shackles remained, they were placed on us in many forms.