The ‘acceptable’ black man. Always faithful, submissive and obedient to the white master.
The coon
The generally ridiculous black man. Considered to be foolish or a buffoon with no sexual appeal.
The mulatto
Also known as the tragic Mulatto, this woman or girl is biracial — black and white. She’s often portrayed as hyper-sexual and meets a very dramatic downfall because her life is ruined by her black blood.
The mammy
Typically big, black and fat, the mammy is considered to be the female version of the coon. She is completely non-sexual. She often appears wearing dowdy clothing and looking generally unattractive.
The buck
The big, scary black man who is so sexual he cannot contain himself.
Examples include the black character in The Birth of a Nation who rapes the white woman.
The nerd
This type is awkward and silly but has a big heart. They are always chasing after girls who won’t give them the time of day.
The sassy black friend
They keep it real for their white friends and they are often presented as being strong and independent, so much so that they don’t need love.
The angry black woman
This stereotype plagues all black women no matter where they go. This character is mad all the time and no one seems to know why — despite all the racism, misogyny and oppression that exist as perfectly good reasons for being mad.
The thug
The black guy who’s doing drugs, selling drugs or is in a gang. He’s extremely violent and has no problem killing anyone who gets in his way.
The ghetto black woman
Loud and brash, this character has sass for days. Don’t mistake her for the sassy black friend! Though they are similar, the ghetto black woman is not considered to be acceptable where the sassy black friend is. People are often afraid of the ghetto black woman.
The black horror movie token
They’re in the movie for about five minutes before they’re killed off. Think of any horror movie ever for an example.
The drug addict
All you see is that character doing drugs or trying to get drugs. Think of Samuel L. Jackson’s characters in Jungle Fever or School Daze.
The bummy black dude
This guy is always mooching off of someone. He’s living in his mama or his baby mama’s house. He won’t get a job, but thinks he deserves to be treated like a king.
The church woman
She’s always talking about Jesus, even when Jesus might not be all that relevant.
The thot
Also known as the hoe or the side chick. No one respects her, but everyone runs through her. She might want to be the main b*tch, but it will never happen. She actually has feelings, but you wouldn’t know it because nobody ever cares about her feelings. She doesn’t get a backstory — she often doesn’t even get a name!
The unfriendly black hottie
Also known simply as “the b*tch,” the term was coined by the movie Mean Girls but has been a type for a while. She’s mean, selfish and maybe a little angry. Examples include Toni from Girlfriends or Robin Givens in basically every role she’s done.
Stereotypes in media are a special form of ignorance and bigotry. But the images are often so subtle, people don’t even realize they’re stereotypes.