Welcome to Copyright Defender! This is a database blog dedicated to helping creators to protect their creations. Found someone reposting or stealing your content? Message or submit screenshots, links, etc. and we’ll do our best to help you.
What is this blog?
Tired of people reposting your art, editions, fanfics or original content without your permission? This blog purpose is to give a hand to content creators of all kinds. We are here to help you to report content thieves (reposters).
Why did we create this blog?
As creators of content, we are tired of having our work stealed or reposted by third parties and having no kind of support. Mostly because the sites don’t really care enough about this issue to aid us. After so long we decided to do something about it.
How it works?
You can send a message or submit us your problem, and we’ll make a post exposing the user (it can be of other plataforms too like Instagram or Amino), and after that, the user of this person will be in our Blacklist.
What is the Blacklist?
Is where we put the users that repost without permission, credits or claim the content as theirs. We’ll only remove reposters who delete the said content and publicly apologize to the content creators.