Rosa, New York, NY
http://www.typefasterblog.com1. What is your favorite word?
That’s an easy one: Obstreperous. My father taught me this word, along with ‘trepidatious,’ when I was probably around three years old. I also like the word (& the punctuation mark) ‘ampersand.’
2. What is your least favorite word?I have never liked the words ‘appropriate’ or ‘inappropriate.’ I think because they were often said to me in a tyrannical manner in elementary school.
3. What turns you on?
Any body of water at twilight — like sitting behind the waves on a surf or bodyboard just as the sun goes down. Long fingers. Crooked teeth. D, especially when she turns to me, grins, & says ‘want to go on an adventure?’
4. What turns you off?
Loud explosions. Police sirens. People with dead eyes/expressions.
5. What sound or noise do you love?
The washing machine. Our HEPA filter. A certain creaking door from my childhood that I used to imitate for my mother. Morgan Freeman’s voice.
6. What sound or noise do you hate?
Fast trains. Electronics left on so that they emit that high-pitched whine. Small dogs barking.