Here’s the story of how I survived a cop shooting me last month:


Finally got my clearance, lawyer and final report so now I can tell y’all what happened…

August xx, 2015 (for confidential reasons)

At 2:55 am I was pulled over by a police officer on 285 in Atlanta. The officer ran to my vehicle, bouncing back and forth. I don’t know if y’all remember the little UPS guy from MadTV but that’s exactly how irate this dude was. I honestly think he was on something. This is Atlanta. He kept asking questions and walking back and forth between his cruiser and my car. I was broke at the time so all I had was my old iPhone with no space so I couldn’t record anything. I was honestly too afraid to grab it. He asked me why I had my seatbelt on, if I was planning to pull off, why I pulled over so quickly when he turned his lights on and if I had any weapons or drugs in the car. Where I was coming from and going. I told him no to all the dumb ass questions and I had just left the AUC and was headed to my storage space. He finally had me exit the vehicle and put my hands on the hood of my car. I asked him why I had to exit my car. He never answered. He begin to look through my car (with no fucking warrant or reasoning). At this point I’m holding back tears because I literally can feel in my spirit that something is about to happen. It’s probably 3:05 am now or later. I’m not sure because I’m outside on the ground, handcuffed at this point, on my knees per his request. There has been maybe 5 or 6 cars that drove pass. I don’t really know because I’m too afraid to move. There are no fucking lights anywhere. He’s still bouncing back and forth. His hand on his gun the entire time. Before I even had a chance to react, he fired one shot into my chest. No warning, no nothing. Like I was a deer and it was hunting season. I remember feeling like someone took hot steel straight through my breast (that’s where the bullet entered) and slowly pulled it out. Blood filled my mouth almost immediately. You never forget the taste of your own blood when it happens like that.

The next time I woke up I was in Grady hospital and 4 days had passed. My car was missing and no one could tell me what the fuck happened. Everything came back to me slowly.

When I tell y’all ANY ONE OF US could be the next hashtag, I fucking mean it. I have always known that but I never thought I’d be one to survive. I cannot give you one reason why he shot me other than the fact I was Black and alone and he thought I would die (the last thing he said before I blacked out made this very clear). These are KKK members in uniforms, y’all should know by now.

Oh and here’s the best part. My police report was filed as a “drive-by”. According to the report I was found by Officer Collins around 3am on the side of the highway after a civilian said they saw something that looked like a body. A carjacking gone wrong. APD doing everything in their power to convince me that the bullet, medication and surgeries effected my memory. They claim that no officer was involved in a shooting the night I was shot and it’s impossible for anyone in their precinct to be involved in a shooting and not report it. I know what the fuck happened. Your dirty ass officer shot me for no damn reason in the middle of the night. “Kill a nigger tonight” type shit. I’m doing everything in my power to make sure this officer faces proper charges and punishment. I will not be silenced or ignored.

So if anything happens from this point on, y’all know what really happened. I am not suicidal nor am I on any medications for mental illness or otherwise that would threaten my life.

Because this shit is about to get ugly.

The spics and spots: The bullet missed everything important. It did damage some things but I can still walk even though my back is always in horrible pain, so I’m thankful for a lot of things because I know a few people who got hit and ain’t breathing no more.