This article says a lot of good things but what seems to be missing is analysis on class differences within minority communities. While many of us may be well aware of prevention strategies and the science behind HIV, many more of us may not ever use jack’d, grindr or websites like the thebody. Some of us find and release our sexual desires under the cover of secrecy and night, in order to be protected from more immediate dangers, such as excommunication from “loving” (read: family, church, friendship, ethinic/racial, immigrant) communities. Those are privy to information from hookup apps—their reminders to get tested—may still not be aware of the full science behind transmission and more likely to see these warnings as just another website popup, warning of the risks of youth and further instilling HIV as a gay related, stigma based disease (read: G.R.I.D #reagan). So where do we go from here? I’m not quite sure, but we must certainly go deeper.