“‘I’m an addict,’ through and through and I uttered those words for years of four to God, to myself, and to others too. Still, with time, I fell to you. Your whispers of solution twisted my faith—you, in the mirror; cunning, insidious wraith.
Sick and suffering through and through and I declared this for years of four to God, to myself, and to others too. Still, with proof, I wanted more. Your claims of relief and joy drew nearer—you, in the mirror, provided neither.
You, never required and you happened to be there; this, suddenly. I, baffled as to why I still breathe; my heart does beat another day. You, in the mirror, with gratitude, you get to live—to do that, you get to find a better way.
Christian L.
“Ode an die Rückfall”
(via angelindiskies)