“Joe Arpaio is running for the Arizona Senate seat. Let’s make sure to remind everyone of a Democratic candidate running for the same seat, Kyrsten Sinema. @kyrstensinema @RepSinema http://kyrstensinema.com”
Joe Arpaio is literally one of the worst people in the world:
(Links TW for sexual assault, stalking, victim blaming, animal cruelty, murder, suicide)
It’s Impossible to Overstate How Truly Vile Joe Arpaio Is
10 Worst Things Arizona’s Racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio Has Done
If you are in Arizona or have friends or relatives there, SHARE THE HELL OUT OF THIS.
WE NOW HAVE “ROY MOORE PT.2,” and this time the person who is going to beat him - with our help - is an openly bisexual progressive woman, Rep. Kyrsten Sinema!
U.S. Readers, register to vote here and please share!!!
I live here.
I have seen a pregnant Latina woman stopped for driving while brown, and when she struggled to get out of her car because of her GIANT BABY BELLY, the cop yanked her out by one arm and slammed her belly-first into the car. I was halfway through picking up the phone when I started laughing very bitterly; what was I going to do, call the police?
I’ve heard 911 dispatchers try to coerce me into saying a suspect was Latino when I’ve called for everything from “my house was broken into” to “there’s someone broken down on the thruway and I don’t think they can get to the side safely.” Hell, I’ve explicitly said “this guy is white. You know the guy who plays the head of HYDRA on Agents of SHIELD? This guy looks just like him” and had the dispatcher say “so, he’s white Hispanic?”
I’ve heard cops openly refer to Latinx by racial slurs and, worse, seemed to feel I would agree with them. Disagreeing could have gotten me beaten, raped, or shot.
This is what Arpaio did to Arizona. PLEASE HELP US. Don’t let him back in control.
The list of the terrible shit Arpaio did and the thousands of people it’s still affecting goes on and on, but if you don’t have time and you need some quick convincing:
One of the very worst things is he made “tent city”, a labor camp for prisoners working outside in 115+ degree weather. He word-for-word called this his own “concentration camp”.
Joe Arpaio is a fucking subhuman racist, we just ousted him from being Sheriff, do not let this shithead get voted into the senate, I am begging you. If you are in Arizona and you can vote, and you give a shit about your fellow human beings, esp Latinos who have literally been targeted by him, please get out and vote. I had friends and their family members living in fear because of this demon for decades. Few people are crueler and I am genuinely horrified of what he would do if given a position of even more power.