Hello, Internet weirdos.
Net neutrality’s all the rage at the moment, and for good reason. It means that ISP’s like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T can’t give preferential treatment to people and companies that pay them more and throttle everyone else.
The Federal Communications Commission wants to do away with it, so what does it mean? Well, it means that one day, you might not be able to get to Tumblr or your other favourite websites very quickly unless you (or the website) pays the ISP some more money. That Bill Telephone ad might be a parody (of this 1949 Bell ad, if you’re curious), but soon it could be a reality.
Don’t let Bill Telephone and its allies own the Internet.
Take a stroll over to battleforthenet.com and have a read. There’s still a chance to stop all this from happening, but you’ll have to move quickly. The Internet’s done so much for us, but now it’s time to do something for the Internet.
Hard right conservatives, free-market loving libertarians:
I want the hard right conservatives who scream about “freedom” and “state’s rights”, and the “free-market” loving libertarians make an argument for this smiling self-aggrandizing ugly douchenozzle heading the FCC and this baboon-led, racist and greedy administration that is trampling on everyone:
Where are your voices??? Got something to say now????? I don’t hear you??!!
Go ahead. I’m waiting. I’m all ears…..
And to the liberals that, “didn’t bother to vote” or proceeded with a “protest vote” as another gentleman stated: “ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES”, I hope you are satisfied. You did this. Deal with it.