The black teen Andrew and some other students were taken away from the school’s annual student day program by police officers. He was kept in a wagon with some other students and was later dropped about two miles off the event.
Confused and lost, Andrew tried to cross the Interstate 4 highway, but was struck by a car. He died at the scene. It wasn`t just common police shooting or beating, but he died after half-hearted, criminal actions of the police officers, who just left the kid in unfamiliar area late in the evening with no idea how to get home.
The family of Andrew filed a law suit against the school district, state fair and the sheriff’s office for arresting and detaining their son.
“Removing my son, Andrew Joseph III, from the fair was unjust. Abandoning him on a busy road without protection was criminal,” she said.
According to reports, Andrew’s family requested for an investigation into the sheriff’s office racial profiling and violation of human rights, but their rejected by the District of Justice.
“Last week, my husband and I took our fight to the White House, attempting to meet with the assistant attorney general, and we were rejected once again,” she added.
With all the failed attempts, Andrew’s mom has decided to join the Black Lives Matter movement to get justice for her son and blacks who have been victimized.
There is void you cannot fill when you lose your loved one. But if justice is served, you can try to melt the pain of losing him/her.
FACT: African American Men are 3.5 times more likely to be shot by police during the act of committing a crime
FACT: the mentally ill, regardless of race, are 7.8 times more likely to be killed by police when the police are called to talk them out of suicide.
FACT: in prison, you get internet access three meals a day, and free college education
FACT: in mental hospitals, you get two meals a day that violate federal nutrition laws, and are lucky if they don't medicate you into a state where you need to wear diapers.