Livewire #1 (2018) // Valiant Comics
Once, Amanda McKee, the technopathic psiot known as Livewire, knew her purpose. She wielded her machine-manipulating powers to benefit the HARBINGER Foundation…until the true depths of her mentor’s cruelty were revealed. She brought UNITY to the world’s most formidable superpowered beings…until a battle between team members dissolved the group for good.
She gave hope and guidance to a ragtag band of SECRET WEAPONS…until the U.S. government marked them for death and set her down a path of no return. Now, in the wake of the worst disaster the country has ever faced – one that was directly caused by her hand – Livewire must decide for herself what kind of hero she will be…if she’ll be one at all.
Story: Vita Ayala, art: Raúl Allén, Patricia Martín
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