Trying to Act White: How Being Yourself Can Be Misconstrued in the Black Community
“From mental illnesses, to interests in manga, as a Black person, you’ve more than likely heard similar statements during an intimate confession with a friend or family member:
“Quit trying to act white!” or “You’re hanging around too many white people…”
Well excuse me for breathing, and being interested in more than just Scandal and Nicki Minaj. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with either of these things, but God forbid you stray from what’s deemed familiar and interesting territory by the rest of your friends and family. All of the sudden, you’re labeled as that Black person who listens to “white people music”, the one that “watches weird and corny crap” and dresses “weird”. Or when it comes to expressing feelings of depression: “you’re just spoiled! You can’t name anything going on in your life that tough. You hang around white people too much.” Or maybe you’re even told you’re ashamed of your own culture to take an interest in anything out-of-the-ordinary…”
Read the whole article at blackgirlnerds / facebook / twitter
Story of my life
great article… from a woman’s POV.