
Venus: The Goddess of Love


Venus rules all things beautiful in love, lust, and desire, so it only makes sense that this placement represents how you attract your lovers. This sign is where you express love in all types of relationships, such as family, friends, crushes, and significant others. When looking at compatibility between you and your love interest, combinations of both your sun and venus sign are essential to getting a better understanding of each other. Often times your venus and sun signs may be the same which in turn cause an ever bigger influence on your acts of love, but this may not happen every time. Venus rules Libra and Taurus which means both signs are associated with beauty, sensuality, and materialism. If you have Venus in Libra or Venus in Taurus these placements are comfortable here since the planets are in place with their ruler. 

Venus in Aries: The admirable child-like spirit in Aries is no different in this placement. You attract your lovers with your ability to literally not give a fuck. You go after you want, no questions asked. You don’t like to waste time so anyone who plays games is getting cut off. Your actions are impulsive, almost selfish, actually very selfish, but this won’t be a problem to the person who really understands you. However, you will be attracted to many people since you get bored easily and can fall in and out of love quickly. Overall, you exude confidence, are not afraid to stand out, and you want things to be simple & direct. 

Venus in Taurus: Loyalty and constant devotion are your greatest attributes with friends and family. In love you seek security and comfortability often ruling out those who are fake and filled with drama. You enjoy fine dining and fine living. You are what they call husband or wifey material because of your desire to settle down and build a home with someone, kind of like Cancer. Change does not come easy to you so you may find yourself stubborn and set in your ways when it comes to love. The strong appetite for sensual gratification in the bull reaches from the dining table to the bedroom, and they will make sure you are taken care of in both matters. 

Venus In Gemini: It’s a no brainer that the way to your heart is through your mind. This Gemini is fun, flirty, and just wants to enjoy life in a number of ways. For this reason, you can only be tied down by someone who is capable of keeping you interested for, essentially, the rest of your life. It’s important for you to truly get to know a person before getting into a relationship. Otherwise, if you are not stimulated you will move on quickly. There is never a dull moment with you and you just want to be surrounded by other individuals who share this same interest. In matters of love, the dual personality shows a good side and a dark side, but this combination creates a unique, and inspiring individual.

Venus in Cancer: You are attracted to those who need you. You aim to nurture and provide an emotional blanket for your loved ones. Your intuition runs high and you use this to better take care of your partner. Although this can make them vulnerable because you might meddle into their lives to make sure you are needed. Depending on your sun or moon sign, you can be quite emotional and hurt easily but hide it well. Like any Cancer, once you get into your shell it’s hard to get you out of it. You are loyal, a great listener, and create families out of your friends. Overall, you have a big heart and this makes you very attractive. 

Venus in Leo: In order for your heart’s desire to be satisfied you need to be loved at all times. Sex isn’t even all that important to you if you’re not being made the center of attention. Feelings of insecurity rise for the Leo when you are not told that you are different or special. You don’t want to be like everyone else, you want to stand out. You are loyal, generous, and love hard. You have a lust for life and surround yourself with colorful people. Your sunny personality makes you fun to be around. You live a lavish life and show off your relationships and hope to be shown off the same way. It’s important for your loved ones to express their love to you in grand gestures because you expect the royal treatment. 

Venus in Virgo: Like Cancer, you want your loved ones to need you and appreciate you, this makes you happiest. You work quietly into the heart of others, taking your time getting to know people by observing them. Punctuality is important to you and you take this into matters of love as well often focusing on practical aspects of a relationship rather than being romantic. You don’t ask for much in a relationship but your partner might find it hard to satisfy what you want because you focus on small details that one can easily ignore. The pickiest of all signs, the person who wants the key to your heart has to be perfect or at least close to it. Is that too much to ask? Maybe, but you’re not willing to settle for anything less.

Venus in Libra: The world you envision is one of peace and serenityYou treat others the way you’d want to be treated. When all is well, both you and your partner are putting in the same effort into the relationship. Because of how dependent you are, you will most likely always be in a relationship. You’re all about fairness. You don’t like to stir the pot so you might conform to other people’s needs just to be likable, especially to stronger personalities that make you feel threatened. However, your personable appearance and amazing social skills cause you to be attractive to others no matter what you look like. A hopeless romantic you enjoy all the beauties of romance and want your love story to be like a fairytale. 

Venus in Scorpio: Intense. Intense. Intense. The dark and mysterious qualities of Scorpio are strong in this placement since their actions are affecting their love interests. In relationships, you want all or nothing. You want someone to surrender to you and give you control. In return, you give your full attention and extreme loyalty. Consequently, you are jealous and possessive, although this can be flattering to some people. Secretive, you don’t give much away about yourself, but want to know every detail of your significant other. You can read your friends as plain as day because of how well you can pick up vibes of other people. Your strongest asset is that you are not afraid of change, in fact, you thrive on the transformation of change. 

Venus in Sagittarius: Variety is the spice of life for you. You are always roaming, moving from one place to another, never really committing to anyone. Wherever you go you’re having a good time and searching for new experiences and knowledge. You’re fun to be around because of your free spirit, open-mindedness, and ability to entertain. You take pride in what you know and can be quite judgmental, but you’re very honest. You’re attracted to people of different cultures because you want to learn their different backgrounds and experiences. In love you just want someone who is going to partake in all your adventures and not ask too much of you since you value your freedom and independence. 

Venus in Capricorn: Reserved and humble, you attract others by keeping to yourself. Those who are willing to get to know you will do so. Very goal oriented and smart, you hope that your friends are as hardworking as you. In relationships you want what is cautious and safe since you are willing to build a home and family with this person. Social class is important to you so you care about how much money you make and might marry into wealth if possible. Although you are guarded in public, you are able to get in tune with your emotions in private. You’re affectionate and can express your love in various ways. Creating partnerships comes natural to you and people will know you to be loyal and responsible. 

Venus in Aquarius: No restrictions, no emotions, no fucks given. You basically do what you want and won’t settle for anything less. In love, however, you are committed and willing to compromise to your lover’s needs, only if they are worth it. But until then, if you are single, you are sufficient all on your own. You enjoy being eccentric and attract your crushes by making yourself stand out. Ahead of your time, you feel as though you have visionary thoughts. You are able to inspire others, although, at first they don’t understand you, but once they do, you’ve already moved on to the next thing. Your loved ones appreciate your oddities and quirks since this is what makes you special to them. Direct and honest you try to be as real as possible. 

Venus in Pisces: The type of love you seek is one that is soft hearted, empathetic, and a bit sensitive. You are intuitive and able to pick up the mood of others so you’re very understanding of people’s emotions. You are attracted to those who need saving or you yourself want to be saved. Loud and abrasive people make you uncomfortable because you suffer too many moods to be dealing with insensitive people. Because of how empathetic you may be, friends or lovers may take advantage of you since you can be afraid to say no. Feelings of insecurity rise when you are not being loved the way you wish to be. Since you are able to love people so deeply you want the same in return. Three words that sum you up: compassionate, mystical, and wistful.