
Look, Up in the Sky, It's Washington Heights! - Mindboggling Reveals - Curbed NY

I found this flyer taped right next to the buzzers when I returned home from errands.  It seems the people in the neighborhood aren’t happy with the proposed development right across the street. 

Protest Flyer

How do you push a controversial new development through the labyrinth of public approvals? Scare the bejeezus out of the neighbors first. Developer Quadriad Realty Partners did just that in Williamsburg, floating a bonkers skyscraper city proposal before calming everybody down with what eventually became Williamsburg Terrace, Duane Reade and all. Now DNAinfo reports the developer may be up to something similar in Washington Heights, with four proposed towers—23, 33, 39 and 42 stories tall—at Broadway and 190th Street. Another scare tactic? Unclear!

The developer has also prepared an alternative project with no affordable housing and just 216 apartments, but for now this megaproject lives and breathes on Quadriad’s website, though the plans are dated January 2010 and are incorrectly labeled “Inwood Site Development.” It’s a mixture of affordable and market-rate housing, sporting a bit of a “towers in the park” design and a potential sky bridge.

We love a good sky bridge as much as the next guy, but this thing would need zoning waivers out the wazoo. Quadriad has yet to file an application, but the local community board is already on red alert. Out of sight, out of mind for the rest of Manhattan? Not quite! Notes DNAinfo, “The proposed construction site at 190th Street and Broadway is also located near the highest geographical point in Manhattan, giving any skyscraper built there additional heft in the city skyline.”
· Inwood Site Development [Quadriad Realty Partners]
· Four Proposed Skyscrapers in WaHi Could Alter City’s Skyline [Curbed]