I’m Not a Joke is a campaign spreading awareness for the LGBTI community through art and design, created by Daniel Arzola (@Arzola_d) in light of the recent violent acts against the sexually diverse community in Venezuela. It initially seeks to expand in the online community. If you’d like to share your opinion please do so via twitter using the hashtag #ImNotaJoke. Like my page on Facebook and share the posters to support the cause!
To This Day Project - Shane Koyczan (by Shane Koyczan)
High school senior publicly tells 300+ students he is an LGBT teen (by Jonathan Rudolph)
Adult Bullying; just as bad! #fail #immature #hypocrites
— Christian L. Aviance (@angelindiskies) September 26, 2012
Kristen Wolfe: Dear Customer Who Stuck Up For His Little Brother →
You thought I didn’t really notice. But I did. I wanted to high-five you.
Yesterday I had a pair of brothers in my store. One was maybe between 15 and 17. He was a wrestler at the local high school. Kind of tall, stocky and handsome. He had a younger brother, who was maybe about 10 to 12 years old. The only way to describe him was scrawny, neat, and very clean for a boy his age. They were talking about finding a game for the younger one, and he was absolutely insisting it be one with a female character. I don’t know how many of y'all play games, but that isn’t exactly easy. Eventually, I helped the brothers pick a game called “Mirror’s Edge.” The youngest was pretty excited about the game, and then he specifically asked me, “Do you have any girl color controllers?” I directed him to the only colored controllers we have, which include pink and purple ones. He grabbed the purple one, and informed me purple was his FAVORITE. READ MORE
Remember this video the next time you use the word gay as a derogatory adjective.
As a public service announcement, this fucking rocks!
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
How To Deal With a Bully at School - SIT YOUR ASS DOWN!!!
It’s really simple, but I think more people should see this.
Really though. This would shut them, the fu**, up, and I bet you’d actually gain a lot of respect if you stood up like that.
I think it’s great… but what about the inner-city schools? One may have to just go straight to the police. Just sayin’ “Sit your ass down” may get you a harsher beat down.