happy new year
Happy New Year
What does 2017 mean for us?
2017 – Universal Year – 1
Year: 2017
Universal Energy for 2017: 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 = 1
A UNIVERSAL ‘1’ Year represents the start of a fresh new cycle – a new 9 year cycle of creativity, learning and growth.
A UNIVERSAL ‘1’ Year is a time to plant the seeds of intention for the forthcoming cycle – your deepest heartfelt desires, dreams and visions for every area of your life – relationships, health, finances, career, lifestyle, spirituality etc
The intentions & foundations you set in place during 2017 (preferrably early in 2017), mold the field of potentiality and set the tone & flow of energy within your life over the forthcoming 9 years.
When we look at the breakdown of 2017, the numbers 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 firstly add to ’10’ which we then further breakdown to a single digit of ‘1’. We can then look at both of these numbers 10/ 1 to understand more about the Universal energy of 2017 and how we can make the most of it.
In early January 2017 I will post a more detailed article about the meaning of the Numbers 10, 1 & 0…. but in the interim below I have shared a great insight into the energy of 2017.
The following words resonate to the number ‘10’ (and of course breakdown to be a ‘1’) and these words help to paint a picture of what 2017 is all about:
Aloha = 10
Blissful = 10
DNA = 10
Spirit = 10
Goddess = 10
Pioneer = 10
Union = 10
Discipline = 10
Vitality = 10
Namaste = 10
Archangel Haniel = 10 (Essence of Angels® – Law of Rhythm)
Thus 2017 is about showing up for you, saying ALOHA (a 10/1 number) to the universe and being a PIONEER (a 10/1 number) of this new 9 year adventure.
Your intentions, aligned/focussed emotions and deepest heart felt desires are imprinting the field, they are activating your DNA (a 10/1 number) and putting you in the vortex of infinite potential & divine UNION (a 10/1 number) with SPIRIT (a 10/1 number).
As each of us activates our inherent creativity through our GODDESS (a 10/1 number) selves, we activate a VITALITY (a 10/1 number) a force within us that can move mountains, that can create miracles. As the saying goes, you will see it when you believe it.
You can liken a Universal 1 Year to the planting of an apple tree seed…
Firstly, in the Universal 9 Year (2016), you did all the hard work of cultivating a healthy & vital space for the planting of your seed by removing any obstacles/beliefs/bad habits that would inhibit the seeds sprouting or limit the trees future health & vitality over the forthcoming 9 year cycle.
Secondly, now in this Universal 1 Year, you hold the seed in your hand and you visualise what the tree will look like in 9 years time. The seed is small, it doesn’t look like much… but you have a big vision, a passionate unwavering heart that believes there is a grand & magnificent tree hidden within this seed. No one else seems to be able to see this tree in your seed. No one else believes that your seed could ever be a fabulously majestic and abundant apple tree… and most likely many people will knock your vision and try to convince you it is just not possible. But none of that matters as it is your seed, your vision, your tree. YOU believe it, you can litterally smell/taste/touch/see the tree, YOU alone hold that grand vision… and that is all that matters.
Because you reflected and integrated all the learning and wisdoms from the previous 9 year cycle, you plant your apple tree seed in this Universal 1 Year in the full knowledge that there maybe challenging times ahead. You don’t fear what may/may not happen… a drought may stunt your tree, a storm may uproot your tree or a dis-ease may mean that your fruiting is limited. You have grown enough to know that anytime you plant a seed there are no guarantees.
But once again none of that matters, as the planting of your seed isn’t just about an end result – the creation of a fruiting tree. You are wise enough to know, that when you plant your seed and pour your energy, love & nurturing into that seedling over the following 9 years – you will experience the beauty of LIFE itself. You are opening your heart to love, to compassion, to kindness, to joy, to service… you are living a full and rich life as a Soul within a human body. You also know that it never really was about the completion of a tree, it was always about the 9 year experience of being a rich part of the blossoming of the seed.
As I mentioned earlier in this article, every number has a POLARITY within numerology and the following ’10’ (hence ‘1’) vibrational words also express how 2017 could possibly be experienced within your life:
Arrogance = 10
Passive = 10
Victimhood = 10
Separation = 10
In 2016, if you don’t put to bed and move beyond your old patterns, conditionings and self-sabotaging behaviours… or if you choose to hold yourself as a victim of your past, then you maybe in for quite a bumpy ride over the forthcoming cycle of 9 years.
Stuck in VICTIMHOOD (a 10/1 number), you will simply repeat the patterns of the past and deny yourself freedom to choose a BLISSFUL (a 10/1 number) life, that flows with grace & ease through SPIRIT (a 10/1 number). Only you, your thoughts, emotions & perceptions are the things that keep you stuck in the past. Choosing VICTIMHOOD and a PASSIVE (a 10/1 number) approach to forgiveness will simply just create more pain, hurt & struggle.
In addition, ARROGANCE (a 10/1 number) & SEPARATION (a 10/1 number) rather than divine UNION (a 10/1 number) with SPIRIT (a 10/1 number) creates even more separation and distance from your heartfelt desires.
Read more here… http://www.universallifetools.com/2016/11/2017-numerology-spiritual-meaning/
Happy New Year!! to my followers.
Have a great 2014!
Happy New Year Everyone!