You reap what you sow…
God help us all…
#politics #religion #rip #carriefisher #prince #davidbowie #georgemichael #80s #icons #geeks #pop #nostalgia #quotes #gaystagram #thingsIsay #instaquote #instahomo #instanegro #instagay #trump #music #film #photography #starwars #freedom #signothetimes #labyrinth #meditation #wellness #wordporn
Last night I had a dream that people were trying to hold me down; trying to keep me from succeeding. Some of these people were extensions of me as I am my own worst critic. In the dream I began to feel a force inside of me… In the dream, I began singing this song.
I woke up feeling that I could do anything… that I am on the right path… The song is still stuck in my head as I write this post…
I’m Unstoppable!
Get out there & #vote #ElectionDay