FERGUSON, Mo. – A convenience store is disputing a new documentary’s claim that previously unreleased surveillance video suggests Michael Brown didn’t rob the store shortly before he was fatally shot by police in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014.
One of the filmmakers, Jason Pollock, told The New York Times he believes the footage shows Brown trading a small amount of marijuana for a bag of cigarillos around 1 a.m. on Aug. 9, 2014. The video doesn’t clearly show what was exchanged, but shows Brown leaving behind the cigarillos.
michael brown
We asked a cop why people were being arrested for nothing he said “If we could arrest all of you we might"
Keep reblogging. The world needs to see this
Fuck 12
So he got arrested for marching?
News/truth is not coming from mainstream media/journalists; if we want the truth, then we must search for the truth. It is mostly coming from citizens on the frontline.
Search for live streams, tweets, independent blogs, status updates, YouTube and Vimeo videos,
March on Washington…
I Was Banned From a Gay Dads' Group for Raising Michael Brown →
“The night Darren Wilson walked away from an indictment in the shooting death of Michael Brown, I was banned from one of my favorite social-media groups, a group for gay dads. It seems that this group was not the place to talk about race, policing and what happened in Ferguson. As the white father of a 4-year-old black son, I am increasingly aware of what race will mean for my kid. I could be raising Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin or Tamir Rice.”
“How quickly we forget. ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all [wo]men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.’ #justsaying”
An Open Letter to the HRC →
July 13, 2013
February 16, 2014
December 5, 2014Dear Human Rights Campaign,
Where is the outrage?
Do something. At the very least, say something. I started to send this letter after Zimmerman was acquitted after killing unarmed Trayvon; I started again to send this letter after a grand jury declared a mistrial in Michael Dunn’s killing of unarmed Jordan Davis; and now, the non indictment after Darren Wilson’s killing of unarmed Michael Brown. This whole exercise has become a sickening exposition of this country’s ongoing and escalating brazen racial terrorism — a perverse, unending mad-lib of innocent Black murders met with White impunity:
”__________________ (unarmed black man’s name) was shot and killed by ________________________ (white police officer’s/ or white private citizen’s name) and was ____________________ (not charged, not indicted, acquitted [circle one]) and walks free. “
And that’s not even mentioning Akai Gurley who was killed “accidentally” by an officer in a Brooklyn stairwell; and that’s not even mentioning the killing of Tamir Rice in Cleveland with his toy gun. And that’s not even mentioning Eric Garner who was choked to death in Staten Island over loose cigarettes. And that’s not even mentioning all the names of the Black and Brown innocents whom we don’t know. Because presumably, for every name that is publicized, there are many more names of innocents that aren’t and never will be. It seems callous and blind to celebrate gains in marriage equality on one hand while in the very same moment, the civil rights of a major section of the LGBTQ community are being grossly violated. The Human Rights Campaign’s visible, vocal support would be momentous in bolstering the sustained national critique and reinforcing the “in the streets” protests that are happening all around the nation. Our civil rights are under attack.
Especially given the 2012 Gallup’s recent finding that non-whites are disproportionally more likely to identify as LGBTQ, I’d expect that our leading “equality” organizations would take an aggressive stance and wield the voice of its expansive membership; and lend its expansive legal networks, political cache, and financial resources to the struggle to change the “Stand Your Ground” law and other flawed legislation like it.
The HRC should be just as vocal in its dissent about racial injustice as it is in celebrating the coming out of celebrities. If we are ever going to overcome the artificial divide between the African-American community and the LGBTQ community (which have been overlapping communities with common goals and the shared dream of equal citizenship in this country from Bayard Rustin onward) now is the time to fortify and publicly announce that solidarity. Imagine the power in knowing that a hate crime committed against a Black person would necessarily incur the scrutiny and political response of the entire LGBTQ community, and conversely that a crime committed against a LGBTQ person would necessarily incur the scrutiny and political response of the entire Black community.
What does it matter if we can marry or be openly ourselves if the children raised from our unions cannot be protected? The repeated judicial and legislative failure to hold individuals and institutions accountable for the value of Black lives represents not just an attack on Black and Brown people, but is an attack on LGBTQ people. HRC should take immediate action to defend and affirm the members of its community. If it really is one struggle — one civil rights movement — then let it truly be ONE movement. Let’s stand together on all fronts. We must speak up for each other. I’m urging HRC to please…. do something.
It is not enough to ACT UP, but we must ACT UP all the time.
Dee Rees
This happened in the Disney Store
“These indictments that are not happening… followed by widespread protests…
Police State? hmmm… is this a prelude to Martial Law? They want us to get violent.. they want us to vandalize and loot… commit assault. They want us to give them a reason for a Police State.
Keep the peace… don’t let them trick us into a Military Regime.
Christian Ledan
Hands Up, Don’t Shoot
looting is not protesting... it's looting...
You want to protest?
start afterschool programs
invest in black own businesses
get educated
band together
strengthen your community
that’s how you show them that we are a force to be reckoned with
violence, vandalism, looting et al… fits the stereotype that they want, with the medias help, to perpetuate… We are better than that!
You wants to Protest?!?!
“There is another disease that can result in Jails, Institutions, and Death… The double standard, hypocritical epidemic known as The American Justice System.”