Christian’s music video for the single
From his debut album Weekend Warrior available on iTunes
Filmed by Christian Ledan and Luke Munyon
Christian’s music video for the single
From his debut album Weekend Warrior available on iTunes
Filmed by Christian Ledan and Luke Munyon
#WomensMarch #Photography #Activism #Quotes #Wellness #foto
#WomensMarch #Photography
NYC Against Trump: Peaceful Protest 11/12/2016
Enough Tissues for Issues
Things (issues) start and end with me.
I have sought outside help for many of the issues for many years. There were many years that I self-medicated and did not seek out any other solutions and, there were years where I sought outside help while still self-medicating. I have worked with a mentor(s) which helped even more. Obviously, there is more work that needs to be done and more outside help that I want to seek out.
If I am presently going through something (one of my issues), whatever that issue it has nothing to do with anyone else. There are things that get kicked up and they fade away. There are other things that get kicked up and they may linger but they also fade away. Not in your time…. in my time. Again, they have nothing to do with anyone; They have everything to do with me. Example; many moons ago, I was dating someone, and we were taking a walk…. at some point he grabbed my wrist to pull me close to him so that he could kiss me. I freaked out and pulled away. After asking me a couple of times what was wrong I told about being raped. He was the first person I ever told. We didn’t date for long but every time he would hold my hand I would find myself letting go within a few seconds. It had nothing to do with him. I can hold someone’s hands nowadays; This issue I had worked on and now and then it manifests in other ways like being hyper-sensitive.
No one has to walk on eggshells around me. Trust me, I will let others know when to back off, when it’s not a good time, etc etc.
So… I’m trying to stay clean, one day at a time. Relapse has happened in my life and I see that there is so much more work to done around my issues. Yeah, it’s gonna hurt; I’m gonna cry…but I’ve got to do this.
#BringBackOurGirls #PrayForNigeria
Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Ken Holtzclaw was released from jail Friday as he faces charges for allegedly sexually assaulting 7 different African American women while he was on duty. Among the claims against him are forcible rape, burglary, and felonious stalking.
The judge who initially set his bond at $5 million said he researched his target victims and tracked them down before assaulting them, according to Michigan Live. The 27-year-old former college football player’s bond was later reduced and he paid $500,000 to be released from jail and placed on home arrest. Holtzclaw was removed from duty in June after a women reported a sexual assault during a traffic stop. Many other women subsequently came forward.
Holtzclaw’s sister had initiated a campaign on GoFundMe To raise money for his legal defense. The site removed the campaign citing complaints, even though it would not heed calls to take down the lucrative fundraising campaign for Darren Wilson, the officer who shot Michael Brown. But in the first 72 hours, the campaign had raised nearly $7,000. And the campaign continued to solicit donations to fund Holtzclaw’s bail through its Facebook page. They are also selling t-shirts through that page with the messages “FREE THE CLAW” and “JUSTICE4DANIELHOLTZCLAW.”
In any given month, there are multiple reports of on-duty cops raping women. And while the details of the allegations against Holtzclaw have not yet been made public, other instances of assault often involve police abusing their position of power against women who called the cops seeking help. In Milwaukee, a teen mom who called 911 because someone threw a brick through her window was raped by one of the officers and then held in jail for four days on charges of assaulting the officer. That officer had been previously accused of assaulting several other women — two of them prisoners — but hadn’t been charged in those incidents. In Baltimore, a woman reported she was raped by a cop who reported to the scene of her car accident. And in Georgia, a woman was assaulted by a cop after she called 911 to report domestic violence. Rather than arrest the husband accused of assault, the officer took the victim in his car and gave her the choice between going to jail or having sex with him, then used his gun during the rape.
Unlike police shootings, these instances are most likely to become public only when criminal charges follow. Those incidents that have come to the fore illustrate the ways in which women are victims of police violence, too.
There are a different set of laws for cops… Unspoken
“The safe word is, ‘No!’ If a man does not understand that, then he needs to GO!”
“Rape is one of the most terrible crimes on earth. And it happens every few minutes. The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate women about how to defend themselves. What really needs to be done is teaching men not to rape. Go to the source and start there.”
Yesterday we reported on the virtual sweeping-under-the-rug of the death of Dione Payne, 16, of Dayton, Ohio. The Dayton Daily News, one of the only local sources to report on the rape, and beating death of the youth seemed more interested in focusing on the “troubled past” of the victim, instead of the past of the murderers.
Michael A. Geldrich, 36, and Michael J. Watson, 39, are both being held in the Warren County Jail for the December 1 beating death of the young Payne. Miami Valley Hospital workers discovered that Payne had been sexually assaulted during the attack. Hospital personnel contacted Middletown police and stated the teen had been sexually assaulted, according to the police report. But thus far, no rape charges have been brought, and hate crime charges have been dismissed point blank by Franklin Police Chief Russ Whitman, who said there is “no evidence” that there was a racial motive to the rape and murder of this 16-year-old African American.
To add insult to injury, some local media reports have fixated on a checkered history of the juvenile: possessing narcotics, and even allegations that he had fired gun shots in the past. They talked about morbid comments made on his Facebook account before the day he was raped and beaten to death. They even called the 16-year-old out for getting arrested for littering. What they did not do was explain why the police have ruled out a racial motive to the attack, and why the Warren County Prosecutor has neither pursued hate crime charges, nor even charged the attackers with rape.
These questions still remain unanswered. But there is more that we can do besides reading about this frustrating account and getting on with our day in silence. What can you do? Well for starters, contact the Warren County Prosecutor, who is now handling the case. Demand that all crimes committed against 16 year old Dione Payne be presented to the grand jury on Michael A. Geldrich and Michael J. Watson- for the hate crime of rape, robbery and murder! The prosecutor can be contacted at the number and email below:
David Fornshell
David.Fornshell@co.warren.oh.usAsk why these criminals have not been charged for raping the 16-year-old boy who they murdered. Also ask why hate crime charges are being excluded, when this does not seem to have been a common practice for these drug buyers to rape and beat-to-death previous people who they have tried to procure narcotics from.
Are these charges being brushed off because there were drugs potentially involved, or for some other reason that neither the police, the City of Franklin nor the local media are reporting.
SPREAD THE WORD and get people involved. Tell everyone you know who thinks this 16-year-old rape and murder victim deserves justice, in spite of his “troubled past”.
(Article by Micah Naziri; image via PBSpot)
Please reblog, you guys. More people need to know about this kid and what happened to him.
Justice for this young boy!!
Word of the Day - No
1. (a negative used to express dissent, denial, or refusal, as in response to a question or request)
2. (used to emphasize or introduce a negative statement): Not a single person came to the party, no, not a one.
3. not in any degree or manner; not at all (used with a comparative): He is no better.
4. not a (used before an adjective to convey the opposite of the adjective’s meaning): His recovery was no small miracle.
5. not a (used before a noun to convey the opposite of the noun’s meaning): She’s no beginner on the ski slopes.
6. an utterance of the word “no.”
7. a denial or refusal: He responded with a definite no.
8. a negative vote or voter: The noes have it.
verb (used with object)
9. to reject, refuse approval, or express disapproval of.
verb (used without object)
10. to express disapproval.
11. no can do, Informal . it can’t be done.