I was brought to tears when I heard the reported say that when one of children described what they heard was like pots and pans falling; such an innocent answer to what we all know to have been gunshots.
While everyone demanding stronger regulations in Gun Control, is there anyone else talking the people that survived and how will they cope? Especially the children. Shell shock or Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in children can lead to social disorders, depression, and substance abuse disorders. There are less articles about what to do for the surviving children then there are about the politics of this tragedy.
Even at their early age, these kids may turn to certain behaviors to self-medicate the emotional pain from this event. These behaviors can progressively worsen; a child experimenting with drugs, which seems to be the solution that helps to numb the pain, become addicted and starts doing things so that he/she can obtain more substance. This all doesn’t happen overnight; this can carry-on into adulthood. Drug use may not even start until a later age due to not being treated for PTSD.
I am not an expert, nor have I ever claimed to be one. I simply voicing a concern. The Children must come first!! Help them so that they can move passed this horror. What I am getting at is that if we don’t help these surviving kids now, then they may grow up with a ticking time-bomb and no one will know when either of them will explode leading yet to another Columbine, Virginia Tech, and now Sandy Hook.
Gun Control after… Children First!