Break out of your shell and find the rich social life you deserve…
What does your life look like on a typical weekend night?
If you’re anything like how I used to be, you’re often just surfing the internet, or watching TV, or reading a book.
For years that’s what I called my “social life.”
I didn’t have any real friends. I didn’t go out on dates. And I didn’t know how to just go to a bar or party and start instantly connecting with people.
Whenever I was with a group of people, I was always the quiet and shy one.
I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know how to keep a conversation going. I was too nervous and tense to even pay attention to my surroundings. It was like I was in a trance that I couldn’t shake myself out of.
All I wanted to do was go back home where I could feel safe again. The outside world was unbearable.
Does this sound familiar to you?
Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Social anxiety is one of the most common disorders people have. Studies show that about 1 in every 5 people experience some type of social anxiety disorder.
Your social anxiety can create all types of problems in your life…
- You cancel plans last minute because you’re too afraid to go out.
- You don’t say a word in any of your group meetings or classes.
- Ordering food at a restaurant becomes a tedious, nerve-wracking chore.
- Whenever someone laughs, you assume they are laughing at you.
- Whenever you hear people talking or whispering, you assume they are talking about you.
- You’re deathly afraid to open up to people, because you think they will judge you in a negative way.
- People think that your silence means that you hate them.
With social anxiety, every tiny social interaction becomes a complex problem that you don’t know how to solve.You feel like a complete loser. You start to hate the world around you because it feels impossible to find anyone who you can connect with.
When I was like this, everything began to feel hopeless – I knew that I had to start making a change or I was going to end up on a dark path I could never get away from.