(This is about the model minority myth)
Basically what happened is that after WW2 people were freaking out about communism in China so a lot of Chinese communities started pushing a safe, nonthreatening image of Chinese people.
This involved telling everyone that our culture/Confucianism “naturally” promoted good grades and unshakeable heterosexuality/“family values”, basically encouraging people to think of us as apolitical yet conservative and most importantly, not a threat to the status quo.
Of course this was all dripping with antiblackness. Much of this positioning was based on contrasting Chinese people with black people and the idea that we are the “opposite” of black and therefore superior.
Naturally white people ran with this model minority concept and used it to destroy the Civil Rights movement. And now Asian activists are running around like headless chickens, unable to properly deal with the model minority stereotype because our community is inherently incapable of having any sort of collective memory.
(have a good article on this history: http://pzacad.pitzer.edu/~mma/teaching/MS80/readings/lee.pdf)