“You can’t call a man defending his home a rioter. You can’t call a man who is defending his babies and his children and his woman, a rioter. You call the rioter the one who is attacking—those white people down there, who are policemen in uniform. The law itself is what is attacking our people and that law could never attack black people unless the Federal Government of the United States condones it, and it is not the crackers in the South who are responsible for this, it is the people right here in the White House in Washington, D. C. because the man in the White House has more power than the Governor of Alabama and if he doesn’t exercise his powers as the President of the United States to protect black people in this country against the lawless, vicious Ku Klux Klansmen who today are disguised as policemen, then it is not the policemen who are the brutes who can be responsible, it is the President, the Attorney General, the senators and the congressmen and the cabinet and the Supreme Court who are responsible for it.”