49 Random Psychology Facts


  1. Based on the total number of people tested since IQ tests were devised, women have a slightly higher average IQ than men. 
  2. Your body is virtually paralyzed during your sleep – most likely to prevent your body from acting out aspects of your dreams. 
  3. All the faces in your dream are of people you have saw throughout your life. 
  4. If a guy stands with his legs apart while with a girl means he likes her. 
  5. Chocolate and shopping are both more addictive than LSD or steroids. 
  6. Children who are breast fed display IQ’s up to 10 points higher by the age of three. 
  7. There is no such thing as multitasking. 
  8. You can only remember 3 to 4 things at a time. 
  9. Blue and red together is hard on your eyes. 
  10. There’s a disorder where you swear your mother is an impostor of your mother. 

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