I had my annual physical yesterday…
My doctor and I discussed me starting HIV meds. It’s been over ten years since my diagnosis and I have never been on mediation for HIV. Even through my active addiction my number were good; I have nevre had an AIDS diagnosis. That being said, I am considering starting treatment.
When I was diagnosed in 2002 it was common practice to hold off on starting medication while your numbers were good. The toxicity of the medication was the reason this was recommended to me at that time. Nowadays, with the advances in medicine, doctors are recommending that a person newly diagnosed start treatment immediately. Patients are experiencing less side effect on these new drugs. Also, studies have shown that, in those who have never been on meds, internal organs age faster; the body is working overtime because the virus is not being controlled through HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy).
There is another thing; I shouldn’t have to wait for an AIDS diagnosis. My T-cells may drop below 200 and my viral load may go over 25k to qualify, but what happens after that? I might as well start treatment now so that I have the virus under control rather than having to fight my back to healthy levels.
Anyway, something for me to pray and mediate over for the next few days.