Many of the protesters have retreated to Zuccotti Park this afternoon. The atmosphere is festive with drumming and dancing. But we found Stephen Patti, an 85-year-old World War II vet, sitting at one of the park’s tables. He was wearing an American Legion hat and a serious look on his face. …
“The war is over,” said Patti. “It’s time to negotiate.”
What he means, he said, is that the Occupy Movement has refocused the conversation in the country. It’s brought income inequality to the public discourse, so Patti said the time has come to issue a set of demands, sit down with government, with Wall Street and find a way to close that gap and bring better paying jobs to more people, instead of handing out massive bonuses to a few CEOs.
“You gotta sit down,” he said. “People get tired of this when it disrupts their life. Now is the time to negotiate.”
(Eyder Peralta, reporting from New York for The Two-Way)