We see this stuff in movies, but in the movies there is one hero that saves everyone, or sheds light on what those in power are doing. When we hear the word conspiracy we automatically think the person is crazy; that they themselves have been watching too many action thrillers.
The fantasy is that there is one person that will know the truth and have all the skills to single-handedly expose the wrong doings of, or bring down, a corporation, government official(s), secret society, cult, et al. That is not going to happen!!!
We have to stand together… Our combined skills, knowledge, passion; through solidarity we become the lone gunman. (FIGHT! I am not saying become violent, but one day that may be the case. Basically, we have a pool of human resources- use them! We all know someone that knows someones that knows someone.. We can get closer to them than they may even realize)
Stand together… start boycotting (The Occupiers are surviving with very little… the rest of us can too)
You really don’t need those new shoes (don’t you have 20 pairs already),
or new jeans (aren’t the same styles you wore in 90s back in-style) ,
or that phone (didn’t you just upgrade 6 months ago),
you don’t need that new dress (what about the one you only wore once, wear it again).
You don’t need that car (the one you have runs just fine),
we all need to get fit (WALK or BIKE to work - save money on gas and public transportation),
Stop giving your money to big fast-food chains (it’s cheaper/healthier/smarter to make burgers & fries at home),
if you need to shop, purchase necessities at local small businesses (STOP overspending on useless stuff/junk!!)
Cut up your credit cards (We use money that isn’t ours to buy stuff that they tell us we need and before we can pay the money back they are selling us the updated version of the same stuff)
Close your bank account (use cash; it’s YOURS - also, don’t tell the media you are all marching to the banks in protest to close your accounts - OF COURSE they are going to lock the doors. Stop making deposits, every few days take a little bit more out, write a check out to cash. When the balance is ZERO, close the account [the banks will close accounts with a zero balance or less automatically if there is no activity for certain amount of time])
Just a few suggestions…
This is real life people… This is not a Tom Cruise, Bruce Willis, or Will Smith movie.