Larry Kramer: Happy Birthday, ACT UP, Wherever You Are →
I Love My Boo campaign features real young men of color loving each other passionately. Rather than sexualizing gay relationships, this campaign models caring, and highlights the importance of us taking care of each other. Featured throughout New York City, I Love My Boo directly challenges homophobia and encourages all who come across it to critically rethink our notion of love.
GMHC is the world’s first and leading provider of HIV/AIDS prevention, care and advocacy. Building on decades of dedication and expertise, we understand the reality of HIV/AIDS and empower a healthy life for all. GMHC fights to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all affected.
I simply cannot express how wonderful this is.
October is National AIDS Awareness Month
There it is… The Finish Line…
W 85th Street. We are crossing over, heading back to back to Central Park. We are close to the Finish Line. W00T!