Copyright is a term which, the name would imply, means that someone has the rights to copy something. But, who has the right to Copy, what can they copy, how much, when, why, where, and every other interrogative you can think of.
If we look at the cave in France where perhaps a Cro-Magnon painted his handprint, or painted early bison, IF that man (or woman) had left their name..they would be immortalized in the history of art. They would NEED NO COPYRIGHT.
Jumping forward in history, did Michelangelo get screwed over in the recognition department by having someone else rip off his claim to fame about the Sistine Chapel, or statue of The David ? And did Leonardo DaVinci have to worry about Joe Schmo ripping off his “Mona Lisa” ? No. Apparently, early masters didn’t have a lot of problem with the lack of copyright protection. Here, centuries later, we still remember the excellence of their works, and yes, WITHOUT COPYRIGHT PROTECTION.So, when and where did this Copyright bullshit start ? Many trace it back to the Statute of Anne, or the STATUTE OF QUEEN ANNE. Some also call it the Copyright Act of 1709. It was the first copyright law in Great Britain, and as you may be aware, this poor country borrowed much of its laws from Ye Olde England.
Basically, the Stationer’s Guild had enjoyed a monopoly which had been given to them by Queen Mary the First, in 1557. But, the licensing act (Licensing Act of Charles II) expired around 1694 or 1695.
Quoting (under Fair Use) from the Wikipedia article, we read :
”Under this regime, company members would buy manuscripts from authors but once purchased, would have a perpetual monopoly on the printing of the work. Authors themselves were excluded from membership in the company and could not therefore legally self-publish, nor were they given royalties for books that sold well.The statute of 1709 vested authors rather than printers with the monopoly on the reproduction of their works. It created a 21 year term for all works already in print at the time of its enactment and a fourteen year term for all works published subsequently. It also required that printers provide nine copies to the Stationer’s Company for distribution to the Royal Library, the libraries of Oxford, Cambridge, St Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh, Sion College and the Faculty of Advocates library in Edinburgh.[citation needed] When Ireland united with Great Britain in 1801, Trinity College and King’s Inns in Dublin were added as two further depositories.”
The Stationer’s Guild, was one of the “Big Businesses” of the time, and Queen Anne, as well as Queen Mary I, were the government. So, Queen Mary had made a Faustian bargain with big business, but it ultimately expired, and during Queen Anne’s reign, the power to “copyright” was shifted from those who printed the books, to those who wrote the books. When the Stationers held the copyright rights, they established them by writing in a Register, and only a member of the company could write in the register. The idea was to protect the rights of the printer, the publisher, and not the author…in today’s terms, the author would be the “content creator”.
Many believe that the ORIGINAL draft of the Statute of Queen Anne was penned by no less a person than Jonathan Swift, of Gulliver’s Travels fame.
Now, interestingly, despite the changes of the Statute of Queen Anne, big business (The Stationer’s Guild) continued business as usual, refusing to acknowledge the rights of the authors, and in essence, sending up a grand “F U” to authors (content creators). But, despite their efforts to “influence” Parliament to give THEM the exclusive rights they had previously enjoyed, and thus, much like the Copyright Cartels of today, they went whining to the Courts.
They appealed to the Court claiming they had “traditional” and/or “ancient” rights to the copyright of the works. The Stationers tried to bring a case before Lord Mansfield, until the fallacy of their arguments was discovered. But, they continued in their ignoring of the rights of authors, and eventually, the Statute of Queen Anne, which had shifted rights of copying to authors, fell out of use, and again, the publishers were getting rich by maintaining the rights to copy.
Jumping forward, we have a nice brief history of Copyright here:
Now, many people are confused about how a Copyright of a work is created.
Now, we are NOT talking about Registration of that Copyright, but the establishment and creation of the Copyright.
Here is what the US Copyright Office says :
”Do I have to register with your office to be protected?No. In general, registration is voluntary. Copyright exists from the moment the work is created. You will have to register, however, if you wish to bring a lawsuit for infringement of a U.S. work. See Circular 1, Copyright Basics, section “Copyright Registration.”
Why should I register my work if copyright protection is automatic?Registration is recommended for a number of reasons. Many choose to register their works because they wish to have the facts of their copyright on the public record and have a certificate of registration. Registered works may be eligible for statutory damages and attorney’s fees in successful litigation. Finally, if registration occurs within 5 years of publication, it is considered prima facie evidence in a court of law. See Circular 1, Copyright Basics, section “Copyright Registration” and Circular 38b, Highlights of Copyright Amendments Contained in the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA), on non-U.S. works. “
So, as I am writing this original work, I am establishing a copyright as each unique line is created.
Now, what we have going on in the World, especially in the United States, is something akin to “COPYRIGHT MADNESS” with teams of FBI agents going across the world in search of some guy who had a business by which people can send files to each other. They are establishing what amounts to a WAR against alleged copyright infringers…alleged because our system assumes innocence til proven guilty. This truly is madness, is destructive, and threatens to criminalize millions of Americans in a time when we need people working and building a stronger economy, not being enslaved to the copyright nazis.
The American Spring: Steps OWS must take to further the movement
With the reoccupation of Occupy Wall Street in Union Square, occupiers are reenergizing with the six-month anniversary of the protests that began on Sept. 17. While physical occupations offer a space for the disenfranchised 99 percent to gather and mobilize, the stakes have become too high to not advance the movement immediately.
Police force is continuing. Wall Street is still as destructive as ever and corporate gluttony remains an infiltrating poison in not only American lives, but in lives all over the world. Six months into the possible revolutionary force, Occupiers must think of the next step and the step that proceeds to progress the movement into even more of a vehicle for transformation.
Inclusion of everyone in the 99 percent
While the focus of OWS has been corporate greed and income inequality, occupiers must begin to include other 99 percenters in the equation. Racial minorities, women, the LGBT community, the homeless and the disabled make up the majority of the 99 percent and have a history of being disenfranchised by the 1 percent’s corporate agenda. With the inclusion of racial issues, women’s reproductive rights and income inequality, gay rights, homelessness and disability issues, the movement will only gain more momentum.
Because capitalism has not only created most of these problems, but has swept them under the American political radar, occupiers must bring them to the forefront, along with economic inequality, to show the full scope of how our financial system has completely abandoned and abused a vast majority of the American people. With the inclusion of these other 99 percenters, more people are likely to come out in support of OWS and join the fight for a better world.
Capitalism thrives off of exploited populations, not just the working class. The systematic oppression of these minority groups has gone on to subject 99 percent of the United States to financial disarray, extreme poverty and invasive and discriminatory governmental practices. There is a reason why black households earn less than any other race. American politicians have campaigned to put governmental control on women’s bodies and the marriage rights of the LGBT community. Just as OWS has brought to light the rampant corruption of Wall Street, it must also publicize how capitalism is imposing upon the rights of every part of the 99 percent.
Find the source and an alternative
In order to create large-scale change, OWS has to pinpoint the root of each issue – whether it is economic inequality, marriage inequality, income inequality or job inequality. The movement must become strictly anti-capitalist and publicize the problems created by the strictly for-profit system. Why is it that more than four million people in the United States are surviving on about $60 a month? Why is it that we have more available foreclosed homes than we have homeless people? Our capitalist system survives to make a profit, not to provide for human need.
Especially with the 2012 presidential elections in the near future, we need to see that the capitalist system has provided us with a failed and corrupt two-party electoral system – vote for millionaire A or millionaire B. Vote for an open capitalist or an open capitalist veiled in so-called “liberalism.” The treatment of American workers as commodities has opened the flood gates for exploitation of every kind. An alternative has never been presented as capitalists have created the illusion that this isn’t a system we chose; it is put in place as just the natural progression of economics.
Capitalism is often advertised as a system that fosters economic growth – economic growth for whom? As the tag line of OWS has presented, capitalism is extreme economic growth for the one percent and economic decay for the rest. While capitalists control the means of production, workers are forced to survive off of the scraps those at the top so graciously leave for the rest. This is why Wall Street bonuses swelled to more than $121,150 last year while extreme poverty has more than doubled in the last 16 years, according to the National Poverty Center.
Mobilize for change
As occupations across the country and the world reorganize against capitalism and the one percent, action is needed on a widespread scale. OWS has promoted port shut downs, strikes, boycotts, petitions and even coordinated occupiers to run for office. We need even more action now. As the messages of inequality across the board have become more visible because of OWS, action must continue to follow.
Even though naysayers and skeptics may say the Occupy Movement has yet to create change, we must recognize how deep-rooted this economic system is. It has infiltrated our politics, food industry, job market, media system, education, environment, culture and many other aspects of life. Capitalism has come to deteriorate the American people so much so that it will take massive mobilization through protest, the replacement of political figures, a shift in consciousness and values and the uprising of the working class to crumble this failed money-hungry system. It couldn’t be done in the past six months alone and perhaps not even in the next six months. But the movement cannot fizzle out. The most strenuous part of Occupy still lies ahead.
In the past six months, we’ve brought to light the disgusting, misogynistic, racist and gluttonous ways of the capitalist one percent. But that is only part of the process for change. The next six months must focus on uniting the 99 percent against the imperialist rulers of the United States.
So, welcome to the American Spring. We are the 99 percent and too big to fail.
- G.Razo
This is really good. Read and share. These are the types of conversations ows needs to be having now.
We ARE the 99 Percenters !: Let's talk "Copyright" →
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Occupy HIV - The Body →
In the streets they gather
screaming for a future
Lacking jobs, insurance and hope
The other side claims everything is fineYou stole their houses
Their jobsLet them bail out your bank
Laid them off to thank them
Now you send in the cops
To shut them upThey have nowhere to go
No jobs exist to occupy their time anymore
And it’s because of youYou outsourced their jobs
For cheaper wages
What were they to doYou don’t care
It doesn’t effect you
You profit from our hardship
You smile your ass to the bank
We cut and downsize as best we canENOUGH IS ENOUGH
We can’t live on less
We can’t cut any more cornersI am a political junkie. I am also a media addict. I majored in journalism and being a total liberal how could I NOT fall in love with the Occupy Wall Street movement? I am the 99 percent. We are just floating along in the water with debt up to our necks.
History is written daily. Little things impact us that we see on the news that we did not expect. Things like Columbine and Katrina, 9/11, Virginia Tech. Well, Occupy found ME. These are MY people. This is MY cause. More than 50 percent of my income goes to rent. The last few weeks we have had rent and gas money and $100.00 for groceries for two weeks – that’s it.
was supposed to go to the doctor a few months ago and don’t even have the money for my co-pay to get into the doctor. What’s the point of medical insurance when you can’t afford to use it?
We are all affected by the economy. According to “HIV-positive residents in 39 U.S. cities may soon be facing difficulty accessing some federally supported AIDS services because of program cuts to offset steep Ryan White funding reductions. The Department of Health and Human Services awarded $595 million nationwide in Ryan White AIDS funds in March; the amount is about $5 million less than distributed in 2003. Funding cuts ranged from 3 to nearly 14 percent …”
How can we logically cut funding? If you are HIV and on meds there has to be some financial help to keep you on meds to keep US out of hospitals. We went to Occupy Seattle, took Myles to his first protest; my dad would be proud. Walked among 500 people fed up with the system. Our generation has needed a movement like this for a long time. They had a sit-in in front of a Chase bank. I hadn’t felt so much unity since AIDS Walk. We need to stand up for each other more in America.
Watching the videos of Occupy Oakland where my brother lives made me sick: police beating nonviolent protesters. Where are we, Iran? Since when did America become against free speech?
Thursday December 1st, eight people were arrested at Occupy Wall Street in New York for protesting cuts to HIV/AIDS housing and services. The cuts in New York alone were $10 million. More than 110,000 people in New York have HIV/AIDS per
To make this issue hit home even more: I was talking to a woman who found me on She lives in Mozambique and is married, pregnant and HIV . She gets FREE medical care. Free meds at an HIV clinic all sponsored by the U.S. and the UN. She was saying when she was diagnosed her husband wanted to move them to the U.S. for better health care for her and the baby. In talking we have both realized here is NOT better. Not by any means. She gets two months off maternity leave at full pay, free meds. When I was pregnant, my out-of-pocket cost for meds alone was $500 a month.
The Left vs. The Right
via Carole Nickerson
Keith Olbermann Special Comment On Michael Bloomberg (by FixedNewsChannel)
#OccupySeattle: Octogenarian activist Dorli Rainey on being pepper-sprayed by Seattle police, importance of activism
Eighty-four-year-old activist Dorli Rainey tells Keith about her experience getting pepper-sprayed by the police during an Occupy Seattle demonstration and the need to take action and spread the word of the Occupy movement. She cites the advice of the late Catholic nun and activist Jackie Hudson to “take one more step out of your comfort zone” as an inspiration, saying, “It would be so easy to say, ‘Well I’m going to retire, I’m going to sit around, watch television or eat bonbons,’ but somebody’s got to keep ’em awake and let ’em know what is really going on in this world.”
84-year-old Occupy Seattle participant Dorli Rainey, pictured above after being pepper sprayed by Seattle Police on November 15th.
She later wrote about the incident:
“Something funny happened on my way to a transportation meeting in Northgate. As I got off the bus at 3rd and Pine I heard helicopters above. Knowing that the problems of New York would certainly precipitate action by Occupy Seattle, I thought I better check it out. Especially since only yesterday the City Government made a grandiose gesture to protect free speech. Well free speech does have its limits as I found out as the cops shoved their bicycles into the crowd and simultaneously pepper sprayed the so captured protesters. If it had not been for my Hero (Iraq Vet Caleb) I would have been down on the ground and trampled. This is what democracy looks like. It certainly left an impression on the people who rode the No. 1 bus home with me. In the women’s movement there were signs which said: “Screw us and we multiply.’”