Elizabeth Warren EMBARRASSES Bank Regulators At First Hearing (by Les Grossman)
Happy Bank Transfer Day!
Really, you only need a few basic resources to move your money. Here they are, via the Move Your Money Project website:
—A short primer on why you should take your money out of corporate banks.
—A tool to find community banks and credit unions near you and to check your local banks’ IRA rating, which tells you how sound an institution is.
—An easy seven-step guide to switching banks.
That’s it! That’s everything you need to know about moving your money. And it seems that this message is already getting out. Last month, some 650,000 Americans joined a credit union — that’s more than the number of people who joined a credit union in all of last year. Will you join their ranks?
Remember, every day can be Bank Transfer day — it’s not too late to move your money! Here’s a list of addresses where you can find your local credit union in several countries.
Just to name a few…
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
RSA Animate - Crises of Capitalism (by theRSAorg)
A Must See!!!