It’s why European nations and the USA has done everything to keep Haiti down.
black history matters
Texas had this to say about #History Oh #TheLiesWeTellKids
“Would America have been America without her Negro people?”
“…the ‘stockade,’ as the county prison is called; the white folks say it is ever full of black criminals,–the black folks say that only colored boys are sent to jail, and they not because they are guilty, but because the State needs criminals to eke out its income by their forced labor.”
W.E.B. Du Bois
The Souls of Black Folk
#BoycottExodusMovie | @BlackManUSA →
Exodus is just another example of Hollywood putting a white face on History. Once again,, they are trying to sell that LIE that ancient Egyptians were white. Can someone tell me how Egypt, a country in Africa can produce WHITE PEOPLE? Please tell me. Tell me how one country in Africa surounded by countries that produce brown and black people can produce white people. If I’m playing the race card, please just tell me how I’m wrong? You can’t. You…fucking…can’t. For decades white people have trying to tell the world that ancient Egyptians were white. God forbid that black and brown people can produce an advanced civilization. God forbid that brown and black people can create technology in the acient world.
White people, I’m sorry. You are not genetically superior to me or any other non white person in the world. That’s what this whole thing is about. Many white people can’t stand that brown people are capable of being better than them. There is so much world history that is 100% true and underminds the idea of white superiority. Seeing is believing and since 1934, Hollywood has been telling world that Acient Egyptians were white. Even today no one white questions that.That’s why Katy Perry’s no talent ass plays dress up as an Ancient Egyptian in her video for Dark Horse.Hey white people. Sorry to tell you(not really, fuck you), Cleopatra was…..BLACK!!! tell the Bangles Egyptians didn’t look like them…
Believing that black people are truly below white people removes the moral burden of racism and slavery. White people will feel a lot less guilt if they believe in their hearts that non whites were doomed without their intervention. This whole, “Egyptians white were people” bullshit undermines history. It allows anyone white the ability to disregard FACT and REALITY for anything else that they want assimilated into white history. White people have great history. Who stopped Hitler? OK, Hitler was white too, but you stopped him.
Christian Bale(who plays Moses)defended the movies casting. A movie which probably paid him somewhere between $15 and @20 million dollars to once again play a white hero. Many people will say that casting famous names will help ticket sales.Ok, lets look at the cast.