
The Sad Story of Milo Yiannopoulos: the Trump Troll With Daddy Issues – Tablet Magazine

“…Yiannopoulos pulls a similar trick when it comes to race. He himself cannot be a racist, nor can any movement with which he’s involved be accused of racism, because, as he put it to the New York Times, he has a “very anti-white bedroom policy.” Usually Yiannopoulos expresses his sexual predilections in more prurient fashion, with repeated mention of his desire for “black dick.” Yiannopoulos’ act is designed for a young, male, heterosexual audience that gets a rise out of such outlandishness, in other words, a huge segment of Trump’s constituency. It quickly becomes tiresome, however, to adults of whatever sexual bent.

Never mind how fetishizing African American men as sex objects complicates one’s contention that he is devoid of racism. Like the insistence that he can’t be an anti-Semite because his mother has Jewish ancestors, Yiannopoulos’ assertion that his carnal desires inoculate him from the charge of bigotry is a deflection ploy…”

The Manchurian Colony

This did not happen overnight on November 8th…

This is years, decades even, of rearing. Those that wear white hoods had parents or mentors that wore white hoods. Our own FBI reported that law enforcement around the country had been infiltrated by those that wear white hoods. We don’t know them but they know each other and they take care of their own; they make sure their leaders are raised to power or in positions of influence. They are teachers that say your black child should be in special ed, doctors that perform procedures that you don’t need, sheriffs and officers that pull you over and shoot you because you reached for the wallet that has the ID they asked for, lawyers and prosecutor that entice you into a plee deal even though you are innocent, they are judges that sentence you to life for marijuana or petty theft and let the white guy off because they deserve a chance, they are church leaders that fool you into thinking there was a son of god that had Nordic features even though before the existence of the colonies He was depicted as a black/brown skinned person, and that only through the white version would we be saved as they whipped the backs of our ancestors because the cotton load was light that day and then called them lazy, they are well too do white parents that demanded to have their families registered as part Native Americans to receive entitlements not meant for them, they are social workers that denied citizens needed services based on the color of their skin or their religion (affirmative action was never a free handout… it was to stop discrimination… if anything, some whites were being given things that they didn’t qualify for while needy POC were turned away for housing grants, govt loans, public housing etc), they’re the news media that continually push the white narrative (Ryan Lotche is a kid but Trayvon Martin is a thug… one of them committed a crime)… Yes, I can go on.

The 13th Amendment did not slavery they found other ways to enslave us
The Civil Rights Act did not end racism… they found other ways to discriminate
Having a black president did not end their drive for total white supremacy.