
Gay Leather Titleholder Blames QPOCs for Ruining the BDSM Community 'Gene Pool'

People of color are expected to be the fetish and not have sexual desires

He wrote:

The need for validation appears to be growing among younger members of the community. We are letting them believe the only way to get out attention is to play the ‘victim cards’  of race, sexual orientation, and claims of gender performance … individuals playing this victim card are not only poisoning the system, but turning it into a system of inclusion.  ‘Faggotry Politics’ of this nature ruins the risk of turning our once powerful community into a weakened joke defined by its passion for drama over just helping one another achieve orgasmic results….

Echoing conservative pundits, like Jeffrey Lord, he offers a conservative rehash of “identity politics,” namely, “victim cards,” as a threat to the stability of the leather community. But this where it gets scary.

Chomper also writes, “The victim card thing is becoming routine and forcing otherwise stellar leaders to rethink their commitment to the role [of mentoring the next generation]; thus, shrinking our gene pool.”

That’s right. When basically saying that the “older leather people” do not want to mentor the next generation, Chomper evokes the idea of a “shrinking gene pool.

Yes, we are now getting into the language of “gene pools,” a similar language to the language espoused by Nazi leaders, such as Adolf Hitler and the American eugenicists before him in the 1920s and 1930s. These people advocated pure “races” of people; and to get there, we would have to ethnically cleanse a population by sterilization and extermination.

Whether or not he is aware of the context of these words is up for speculation. But at the same time, it is clear that he’s making a relationship between individuals “playing the victim” and the supposed dearth of the “gene pool.”