I found out today that a friend killed himself a few days ago.
His death makes me sad and makes me think how sad I would be if I lost you and felt I had not done as much as I possibly could to help you.
I love you and I hope you are ok.
Over the years, especially recently, you have spoken to me about your severe anxiety, depression, PTSD and other issues, and about wanting—at times—to kill yourself.
I have tried to be a good friend, to listen and, when you asked for it, give you names of therapists and other resources that could help you address these issues.
We haven’t spoken in a few weeks, so maybe you are feeling great these days and I am worried for nothing. If this is the case, I am very happy for you.
After losing my friend Tony, I can’t be silent. I have to ask: Have you followed up and sought help for the issues bringing you such pain?
If not, I beg you, call one of those therapists whose names I shared with you a few weeks back (after your request to me), or to seek help in other ways.
Even if you are feeling good these days—especially if you are feeling good—now is the time to do something about all this, while it is easier to take steps that connect you to support that will help you survive the times when you are not feeling so happy.
If you are feeling down these days, I still urge you to seek help. I know how hard it can be to seek help when we are down, you know I know this, but I still hope you will try. It could save your life. Just as importantly, it could help turn it around.
I keep learning and still have to keep reminding myself that nothing in life is permanent. Not joy and not pain. LIFE is not permanent! But it does not have to be painful. We may have to do some hard work to make things better, but things can get better.
As you know, I use Surat al-Asr as my mantra in times of loss, pain, confusion, and fear. This Qur’anic prayer tells me: Time itself is a witness, all humanity experiences loss and pain, except for those who have faith, do good works (or are of service), and live as an example of honesty and as an example of patience (and forbearance).
I’ve shared this with you before, and this painful reminder is impetus to share it with you again.
My friend Tony is dead, and I am still here.
I do not know why, but I do know this has been one of the resources that got me through those terrifyingly bleak times when I considered doing what Tony did.
How does this simple yet powerful prayer work for me? As any mantra, repeating it means I change the tape in my head from whatever terrible tape to this pre-recorded, familiar, repetition. In that way it functions like any prayer or ritual in which we can seek refuge.
But this prayer is pragmatic in other ways too.
It comforts me by reminding me that my pain and suffering is not something I alone endure—“The Ages witness: all humanity experiences suffering”—and it gives me practical steps I can take, solutions to my pain, loss, and confusion:
Faith (Imaan)
The prayer directs me to have faith. To me this means making a choice to believe things can get better, even that a specific someone or Something loves us. Sometimes I have had to simply trust that this was true even when I doubted it deeply or didn’t feel it. But then, that is why it is called “faith.” :) Sometimes it has been faith in, belief in, someone other than myself, someone who told me things do get better. At those moments, again, I did not believe it was true, but I could believe my friend believed it, and, ”borrow” her faith. At times it has meant a faith in a Divinity, Most Merciful and Most Compassionate, Greater than any trouble I might face, an Everlasting (internal) Resource any one of us can tap into, in times of loss or not.
Service (Saalihaat)
The prayer suggests that I do good works, that I be of service. I take this to mean reach out and help a friend or volunteer in an effort to improve my community. Doing something good for others gets my focus off my problems. When I do this, I shift the focus from the running commentary and obsessive concern with my own problems to the world outside my head. This liberates me from the not-so-merry-go-round of nasty thoughts *in* my head (that nasty committee that never has anything nice to say to me about me). There is always someone can use our help, so why not shift the focus from our complaints to gratitude and to service? Let us improve the world we find ourselves in! It sorely needs it. And we end up feeling better about ourselves because we are doing something positive in the world, rather than feeling stuck in, or focused on, our pain, fear, and confusion.
Honesty (Al-Haq)
The prayer suggests that I live as an example of honesty and truth. What this means to me is that I am supposed to walk through my fears and be rigorously honest with myself and others about my fears and the reality (or falseness) of them. Living as an example of honesty means letting go of my fantasies or the narratives I spin about how things are. When I am truly honest, I can see what I can change and what really needs to change. I also see what is not in my power and how, if I have no power over it, it makes no sense to spend time worrying about it. You know what I mean: If I have a role to play or choices that could be different, I can do that, if I can’t, well, then I can’t. Talk about freedom! Living a life of honesty and truth also means unburdening myself with someone I trust about what I have done or am doing, or what I am feeling, all of which helps me not live in shame, secrecy, or fear. This frees me from carrying the burden of my troubles all by myself. Living honestly and in truth also means removing that awkward, painful, conflict and stress that arises when I say one thing (to be polite or because I am avoiding a confrontation), but I really mean or want to say another. This type of honesty also can be daunting, but it too sets me free.
Patience (Sabr)
Lastly, the prayer says I am to try to live as an example of patience and forbearance (while facing all my troubles). This to me means, “Don’t give up.” Ever. It is a reminder that things get better. Things change. The hard work we can do (therapy or whatever path we choose) takes time. We didn’t get into our mess and messed up way of thinking overnight. We won’t get out of them overnight. We have to give time time. I know the despair can be all-encompassing, I have felt it. But I also have learned—as I am sure you have too—that I am strong in patience. No matter what troubles that befall me, even when despair feels like a reality convincing me to my bones, something that I feel as if I KNOW will always be my reality, I can be patient. I can wait the pain out. It too will pass.
Trust me. Things do get better, if we do our work and we are willing to wait.
Things have gotten better for me, and I promise they can get better for you too.
Love, Light, & Peace,
P.S. I would add one more thing to all my fabulous (& unsolicited) advice above (): Music. I know you love music. And that’s great, because music moves us, changes our mood, reminds us things get better (and have been better). Here are some of my favorites that have so far worked to get me through some pretty tough times:
“I Look to You” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYFfmFeFGZg&feature=related as sung by Whitney Houston (RIP) or the GLEE version with Amber Riley, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQgO5TtBF6g
A soft strumming song I just recently discovered, by City and Colour, “O’ Sister” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi-crVagUok&feature=youtu.be
“It’s a Beautiful Day [don’t let it get away]” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co6WMzDOh1o by U2
“Feeling Good” by Michael Bublé, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edwsf-8F3sI&ob=av2e, or the Nina Simone version, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHs98TEYecM
“I Am Changing” by Jennifer Hudson, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYuFvu2gdFU
P.P.S. What are your favorite songs to get you through tough times?
Bio: Kamal Fizazi is a writer, activist, lawyer, policy wonk, strategic planning and program consultant, and all-around good guy who spends his time thinking about and working on issues of human rights and equality, diversity and inclusion, democracy and social justice, equity, gender, sexuality, public health, HIV/AIDS, addiction, mental health, recovery, faith-based anti-oppression efforts and interfaith organizing, and Lord only knows what else.
You can follow Kamal on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kamalfizazi or on twitter: @kamalfizazi. You can also read his blogs on http://izazif.wordpress.com and http://wholooksinsideawakens.blogspot.com.
Additional notes and links:
Suicide claims 36,500 lives yearly in the USA; close to one million attempt it each year.
Suicide Prevention & Support:
Solidarity & Fundraising:
long read
My Feet Only Walk Forward: Guest Blogger, Kamal Fizazi: A Letter to Friend About Hope and Survival →
Libra- August 2011 Forecast by Susan Miller →
You’ve had a much more serious, somber lifestyle than you might have designed for yourself lately, dear Libra, for Saturn has been moving over your Sun and asking you to work hard to reach your goals. Looking back at your younger years, you may marvel at how trivial and juvenile your pastimes used to be compared to the things you think about now. You’ve matured, and you gave up those time-burning activities in favor of increased productivity.
Saturn teaches us that the things we value most in life are the ones we have to do the most to get. Saturn wants you to have goals, and because Saturn rules the concept of time, we often feel we are running out of time when we have a strong Saturn transit. People tend to get married, have a baby, start a business, write a book, move across country or even overseas, go back to graduate school, or do something else of great importance to give their lives stability and structure for the future. There usually is something new to learn when Saturn comes by, and if so, you would have a mentor or teacher to show you the ropes. When I started Astrology Zone, I had the same aspects as you do now, so it’s true when you are starting down your new road, you don’t quite know where it will take you, only that you know this is what you must do.
In August, by now Saturn will move between 12 and 15 degrees of Libra, highlighting those born October 5 to 8. If your birthday falls within these dates, you already know life has become much more serious - this is not news to you. Yet you are in a rare and special period, for you are now building a firm foundation for a new future. The harder you work, the greater the results will be. You are becoming experienced, and yet practical, able to handle anything life throws your way.
You may or may not have sensed that you are currently transforming from the inside out. This trend only happens every 29 years, so it is rare and special. Other times Libras with your birthday (October 4-8) experienced this trend, it was 1952, and then 1981, and now through the better part of next year Saturn will go back and forth over these degrees. We all only experience two, or possibly three visits from Saturn in our sign during a lifetime. Saturn transits can be draining, so it is important that you keep an eye on your health and do all you can to exercise, eat right, and stay fit. Pay special attention to teeth, bones, and the health of your eyes.
If you were born in September or October 1-4, you have finished the hardest phase of this transit. If your birthday falls after October 8, then you will move into more responsibility soon, but you will be ready to handle it.
At the same time, if you were born September 26-27, you have been battling Uranus opposite the Sun, a slow but enlightening process. This can be a very tough aspect, and it usually manifests with difficulties within a close, committed relationship that suddenly become erratic. This relationship may be with someone you are tied to in love or business. If you have no partner, it also could manifest in regard to health. I know you feel you just finished adjusting to Saturn, and now you have Uranus to deal with too. The stresses on you are considerable, and you should give yourself credit for all that you are handling. When we go through changes or crisis, as sure as mud, someone we think of as a friend will say the precisely the wrong thing, and instead of making us feel better, we feel worse. I so understand, dear Libra. Saturn and Uranus can be isolating influences, where we feel alone, but realize that is only an illusion - you are not alone. Your responsibilities will be manageable and you will be able to handle them, even if you doubt that you can. Later you will feel like the Hulk when you are finished -,like a super hero. This is how we become strong, and the universe sends us these episodes to test and strength our mettle. The Virgo-Pisces have just come through something very similar to your situation, so you might want to talk to friends of that sign and ask them what happened to them since 2003, but particularly during 2009 to mid-2010.
Yet there are amazing benefits when Uranus works with you in the way he has lately, for in the end, you will become truly your own person. Uranus opposed to the Sun will make you powerfully independent and very able to stand on your own, even if you had the physical, emotional, and financial wherewithal to do so. Uranus usually makes us break a relationship or situation by suddenly making us feel at the end of our rope. Once you reach that stage and say, “I am done with this!” you will feel librated. Much to your surprise you will discover an amazing reservoir of strength within you that you never knew existed. From that point on you can depend on drawing from that inner pool, as it will always be there for you.
Uranus moves so slowly that we only experience Uranus opposite our Sun once in our lifetime, so after this year, you will be done. It takes Uranus 84 years to circle the Sun and all 12 signs, so everyone who lives to be 84 years old will get to experience this aspect you have now. If you are born in October, it will take several more years for Uranus to get to your birthday. He will leave in 2019 for good.
If you were born September 26-27, you are dealing with Saturn now. Chances are, you know what challenges you face, and once you deal with that problem head on, the sooner you will feel better. You are in the process of strengthening every particle of your being.
As said, every Libra will feel this energy in time. Those with birthdays that fall before September 25 are just about done with Uranus AND Saturn.
Now let’s turn to the events of August, and let’s start with your social life. Despite the serious background music that Saturn and Uranus may be playing, August could bring lots of fun. The new moon of July 30 will still be cranking up lots of invitations and events for you to participate in during the first half of August.
I am excited about that new moon and Sun because it will arrive in fun-loving Leo (7 degrees) on July 30 and be operative for two weeks. They will arrive arm-in-arm with Venus, the love and happiness planet and be cordial to Saturn, planet of stability. You may now make a new friend, and if so, this person would likely have a vibrant effect on your life. For example, this person will expose you to new people and interests that you would find very refreshing. Early August may find you involved with a charity or benefit too, a perfect time to do so, for you would meet like-minded people, and at the same time you would be making a difference to a charity that needs your help.
If you were born on or within five days of September 30, you will benefit most from this joyous new moon of July 30. I am happy to report this, as your birthday, as described, is one of the most deserving of more fun!
Romance should blossom beautifully at the full moon 20 degrees Aquarius on Saturday, August 13. What a fantastic new moon this is for you - the most romantic of the year! Falling in your fifth house of true love, children, and artistic expression, you have all the makings of a memorable, tender, and highly romantic, fun evening. Neptune will be somewhat near that full moon, adding mystery and tenderness, and sprinkling plenty of romance over the evening. Remember, this full moon has an area of influence of plus or minus four days, and the Friday-Saturday-Sunday nights will be strongest. Saturn will be beautifully positioned to add a touch of permanence to the successes you experience or promises you make at this time.
With Neptune close, this full moon of August 13 will be quite breathtaking. However, Neptune is known to bring both intensely romantic experiences and confusing ones, so be careful. If you don’t know your partner well, don’t be tempted to throw caution to the wind and get in too deep. With Saturn over your Sun, I know you have common sense - I bet you will be fine! Enjoy this influence.
If your birthday falls on October 13, plus or minus five days, you will be doubly lucky, for that August 13 new moon will be just made for you.
In all, your most romantic dates in August include: August 1 (Venus and Uranus will meet, and if single bring surprise meetings!), along with August 3, 4, 7, 11-13 (gold star), 18, 23, 27, and 31.
Perhaps the most important piece of news about August is that you need to expect a very slow place. After a busy June and July, this has to be good news! Mercury will be retrograde from August 2 to 25, ensuring that nothing of importance will happen this month. You will experience delays, and yet they will benefit you. Let nature take its course. Several of your assumptions will now need to be adjusted because conditions around you that appeared so fixed will shift. Do all in your power to hold off decisions and commitments until September, and also hold off all purchases, including ones for electronics, appliances, a car, and other machines, jewelry, and furniture too. It goes without saying that closing on a house would not be wise in August - have another appraisal, for the results may be enlightening.
Mars will be in your house of fame and honors all month, and this is a wonderful development for you. The eclipses have been falling in Cancer, the sign ruling your house of fame, for two years, and we just had one more - the last - on July 1.
Pay special attention to the day that Mars reaches the exact degree of the July 1 eclipse, 9 degrees Cancer, on August 16-17, likely to be an important day for many Libra careers. Mars may deliver the eclipse’s message on,August 16-17, especially if you didn’t hear anything in July. Furthermore, Mars will help you to find a better, more prestigious job than you had before. (The aspects you have are definitely pointing to a big step up the ladder, not a lateral move.) Mars will give you courage and drive, and you’ll be highly motivated to locate work that can showcase your talents in a very effective way. If you are self-employed, you can now get some amazing publicity, and also have a chance to bring in new clients.
But wait, you may say - “I can’t take a job with Mercury retrograde!” True. You can’t because the job you take won’t be the job you have later - something will change. Or if opening a business, profits may be very poor. You have to hold things off for September. Still, big jobs or clients are hard to reel in, and you can start the process now - you just can’t finish it with an official signing yet.
Fortunately, Mars will remain in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement until September 18. This means that although August will be rife with delays and changes, if you are organized, you will be able to hit the ground running the minute you hit the new moon, August 28 (a truly great new moon) and make a great deal of headway during those first 18 days of September.
With Mercury retrograde, concentrate your efforts in August polishing your resume, and if artistic, your reel or portfolio. When you have meetings, allow the pace to be leisurely, and let them ask the questions. Don’t discuss money quite yet - you won’t want to state a salary while Mercury is retrograde, as you might not fully understand the work you’ll be expected to do.
When searching for a position in August, focus on contacting people you know from the past who can help you now. For example, if a former boss is appointed to a new top spot and asks you to join him, consider the offer. In this case, Mercury retrograde will not hurt you, because you are simply continuing a previous relationship. (Even if you had a pause of several years,with this past friendship, it’s okay - you started it before, and your previous work was the reason you got the offer now.)
I will advise you not to schedule career meetings on August 9, when Mars will be in hard angle to Uranus, and you’ll be battling a partner or client who will be in a very bad, erratic mood. Also do not meet anyone for talks on August 11 when Mars will oppose Pluto and you’ll feel pulled in two directions, between needs of home and those of a demanding boss. You’ll be running from pillar to post on these days, and you’ll need to be organized.
On the other hand, August 18 will be simply glorious for career and money talks. With Mars meeting Jupiter for lunch, the outcome can only be sensational. Now here’s a day you can “talk turkey” and be gratified at how much the other party values your services. Remember,however, you can’t sign any deal, or accept verbally, on this day - just enter talks!
Let me stop for a moment to talk with you. I know it’s hard to turn down an offer for a position in this economy. I get questions from hundreds of readers on Twitter and Facebook all the time about this. (I am,@astrologyzone on Twitter and on Facebook I am “Susan Miller Astrology Zone”.) Here’s what I say - take the job if you like it. Stay flexible. Realize the job description may change. Also, their mission is to paint a glowing picture of the position, but it’s your mission to figure out what they are not telling you. Mercury retrograde periods indicate that something is shifting behind the scenes. Try to find out what is happening, and be sure to keep up with the news in trade journals to find out. As I mentioned earlier, if the offer comes from someone you,already worked with in the past, then you will be protected - go ahead.
Do the best you can. If you want to take the job during the retrograde, do, but realize, it may not be a long-term job for you. Keep your eyes open for other opportunities all the time. This is the best way to handle this situation.
I will always say, if you can wait to give your final answer at month’s end (I suggest the new moon August 28), then do.
The month will end on a quiet note. The new moon, August 28, will fall in Virgo, in your house of mediation and planning. It will be an usually beautiful new moon because it links to the Sun and Venus in Virgo, to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in Taurus, now in your eighth house of other people’s money, and Pluto to your house of home. You may get news that you can move ahead with a plan for buying, selling, or leasing a new apartment or house soon, because by September you will be able to get a favorable mortgage, refinance plan, or home improvement loan from your bank or family. All those planets will be in earth signs, so be practical and realistic in all your decisions. This is no time for blue-sky thinking, but you seem to know that intuitively, and will make the right choice.
The twelfth house has to do with areas of confinement, so if you have a relative - most likely a parent - who is in (or needs) a hospital, rehab center, nursing home, or other facility, you will find the perfect answer after this new moon appears. It is rare to see this level of planetary support. Jupiter, Pluto, the Sun, moon, and Venus will all be in tight mathematical distances from each other. Not all new moons are like this one - this is one of the standout new moons of 2011.
Month’s end will be a good time to collect your thoughts and to enjoy being your own best friend. Give yourself time alone and enjoy doing what you like to do, without having to consider others, as you always do. You can spend time writing essays or poetry, composing music, being on the computer on social networks, or developing one of your talents. You can spend time with your children, or simply enjoy reading and sipping tea in a chaise lounge near the pool on a beautiful day. As I discussed earlier, you’ve had a lot to handle lately, and no one deserves a little quiet time more than you, dear Libra. You’ll have an exceptionally busy October - be rested before you hit birthday time.