media literacy



So Project K.I.S.S has been talking about getting a viral video campaign up and running so I’ve been cruising the internet looking at some examples.  Some videos are really great!  This one, however, is not.

The message it’s sending is good - to be in control of yourself at all times and take sober responsibility for your health.  But it is also perpetuating the myth that people who are stupid, irresponsible, or on drugs are the people that get HIV.  Plenty of people contract STIs from committed relationships - how does this PSA encourage them to be aware of the presence of HIV in their own lives? 

I think that PSAs and other media messages that push the idea that having a sober, committed, “PC”, heteronormative lifestyle is the key to not contracting STIs lure people into a false sense of security. 

Also, disclosing a person’s HIV status to other people is wrong and, in some cases, illegal!  Isn’t Kim’s status Kim’s business?  Does she need to tell people she isn’t planning on having sex with that she’s HIV-positive?

Think about it!
<3 Meaghan

^^^exactly what Meaghan said.