Congrats!! I just quit cigarettes ….weed maybe next week this one sucks.
Thanks and good for you!… Good luck with the weed! You stopped cigarettes; that’s the tough one. MaryJane will be easier.
I had my last cigarette on February 5, 2011; making February 6, 2011 the first full day without smoking a cigarette.
I had been smoking, on and off, since I was 11 years old. I believe packs were only $2.20 back then. In my 20s, I was smoking a pack a day and I believe packs cost about 5-7 bucks. As the cost per pack reached closer to $10.00 I moved to Florida to make a few life changes. Of course, cigarettes we cheaper there than in New York City, but by now I had been trying to cut back and was smoking 3-4 packs per week.
I moved back to New York City in December of 2007. In the years since, the cost for the brand of cigarettes I smoked (Marlboro reds) went up to $12.50
If I were still smoking 3-4 packs per week
That is: $37.50 - $50.00 per week OR $1950 - $2600 per year
For those of you that smoke a pack a day, that is: $87.50 per week OR $4550 per year.
Quitting Smoking Has Done for Me:
Reducing the risk of developing cancer - CHECK
Reducing body odor - CHECK
Reducing bad breath - CHECK
Having more energy - CHECK
Sleeping better - CHECK
Clearer skin - CHECK
Saving $1950 - $4550 per year - CHECK
Able to go jogging - CHECK
Making the right decision for my health, happiness, and wallet - CHECK!!
Congrats!! I just quit cigarettes ….weed maybe next week this one sucks.
Thanks and good for you!… Good luck with the weed! You stopped cigarettes; that’s the tough one. MaryJane will be easier.